Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pussy cheese?

Slang for a Yeast Infection
(From the Hormone Monstress in Big Mouth)

Person 1: “My friend Janice wore her lululemon leggings so much that she got Pussy Cottage Cheese all over her apartment floor”

Person 2: “Are you sure that she would be happy with you saying that information to me?”

Person 1: “Well she’s a bitch and I hate her so its whatever

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Pussy cheese - video


Pussy cheese - what is it?

The white, fragrant crumbles of moist cheesy like matter tha develop and appear inside a South Florida female's pussy after she walks around outside for very long with labia lips rubbing together in the oppressive humidity and rotting decay of South Florida. For 10 months of the year, t's almost 90% humidity every day.

If you're into that sort of funk, then just break out the Sociable Crackers.

Thanks to the disgusting rotting humid weather herev in Southeast Florida, South Florida Pussy Cheese is available for at least 10 months of the year.

If South Florida Pussy Cheese is not attended to daily, it can quickly turn into A South Florida Black Mold Pussy of Death. If you put that on the Sociable Cracker and eat it, you will die.

That stunning girl over there turns into a disgusting THOT in South Florida after her vagina develops stanky South Florida Pussy Cheese.

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What does "Pussy cheese" mean?

Pussy mac and cheese is when a girl cums and squirts in your mac and cheese

my girlfriend made my some pussy mac and cheese

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Pussy cheese - what does it mean?

When a girls vagina looks like cottage cheese during sex, chunky and white.

Her vagina looked like cottage cheese when we had sex. She has a cottage cheese pussy.

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Pussy cheese - meaning

Term used when a brick and/or wheel of cheese is inserted into a saggy loose vagina that has been plowed by a massive tree like cock.

"Dude, I could really go for some mudded cheese pussy!"

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Pussy cheese - definition

When that pussy so good that it tastes, feels, and spreads like your favourite Philadelphia cream cheese. Cream cheese pussy is felt not smelled nor admired. Whether your cream cheese pussy is salmon or garlic, it should be generously spread on a lightly toasted everything bagel.

Bro was that cream cheese pussy last night?

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Pussy cheese - slang

The love of eating a female's seamen infested vagina.

Hey bro what do you want to go eat?

Response: Pussy with Cheese

👍33 👎21

Pussy cheese

Cheese made from the milk of a cat

"Bob, I'm not sure what kind of cheese is on this pizza, the ingredient list isn't in English." "Susie, I'm pretty sure that says Pussy Cheese.

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Pussy cheese

Thick, white cottage-cheese like excretions from a woman's pussy. Often an indication of a vaginal infection or poor hygiene.

Her pussy cheese stunk so bad I couldn't go down on her more than once.

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