Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KWANG?

(v) to kwang, to be kwanged.

When a GPS system or online maps app thoroughly fucks up your directions and leads you to the middle of nowhere/the totally wrong destination instead of your actual destination. Also applies to fucking up local transport information.

Sorry we're late, we were totally fucking kwanged by Google maps on our way to the Chinese buffet.

We've been kwanged again!! This sketchy dirt path has NOT led us to the grand canyon, it's led us to the middle of the fucking woods! Now it's getting dark... where even are we??!

I missed my appointment this morning because Google maps fucking kwanged my bus route.

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KWANG - meme gif

KWANG meme gif

KWANG - video


KWANG - what is it?

Utter dopeness, these people are on another spectrum of dopeness, these people are mostly Zambians.

kwang nation, bro I know a kwang, yohhh this guy is too dope.

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What does "KWANG" mean?

Good looking guy with smart brain.
Very active and attractive to the girls.

Please contact Kwang eui for the details.

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KWANG - what does it mean?

a slow typer. a person who enjoys singing but his talent isn't there yet. has huge guns on one arm. compatible with capricorns, especially people whose name is Jonathan or Shou Sheng.

His right arm looks pretty strong, he must be a chee kwang!

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KWANG - meaning



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KWANG - definition

comedian korean guy, very funny guy, everyone loves him. crazy dances.

"Kwang Soo gives me boner"

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KWANG - slang

A derogatory term for Asians.

Pakistani: My name's Rajinder.
Asian: Yes, hello. My name is Alvin.
Pakistani: Yeah, whatever KWANG!

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To do something in excessive amount or do something excessively

Italy and France have been Kwanged by Coronavirus

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A member from Do It Live (D.I.L) who does it too fucking live. A Kwang often does it so live that they cannot stop kwanging once they start. Kwanging has been and always will be "the way" of doing it live.

*Peen misses all of his shots in final killcam*
StoneColdET: "What a fucking kwang!"

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a karate-chopping, motorcycle riding, Korean superhero. Only likes smart women.

just was saved by the kwang-i-nator.

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