Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Joleene?

A beautiful girl with amazing eyes. If you manage to get a Joleen Ryan, nevet let her go. They are some of the best people you will ever meet but if you get on her bad side, I'm sorry.

'Yo is that Joleen Ryan?' 'Yeah, she's incredibly beautiful right?'

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Joleene - meme gif

Joleene meme gif

Joleene - video


Joleene - what is it?

A completely happy woman that is beautiful and kicks ass!!!!

I wish I was like Joleen lujan

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What does "Joleene" mean?

just the biggest whore

bruh you see that bitch , she's such a Joleen Thomas

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Joleene - what does it mean?

1. A drugstore creme bleach, usually in most walmart neighborhood stores as well as wal-greens stores, used to bleach facial hair, but can however be used as an anal bleaching cream. Especially when anal bleaching on a budget.

2. Vt. The action of applying joleen bleach to your derrierre

Luke saw his nana's joleen bleach laying around (which she uses for her mustache), one day he decided to go where no man goes, by applying nana'sjoleen bleach on his bunghole to turn his chocolate spider vanilla, poor bastard could not sit,fart, nor shit right for a week. Anal Bleaching gone wrong and no he did not get the job as a jockstrap model! Poor Motherfucker!

Sheena was definitely joleening her butt crack before going out!

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Joleene - meaning

term for clogging the toilet

guy: did you just joleen the toilet again?

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Joleene - definition

means skinnier than the starving kids in africa

boy: dayuuuuuuuum girl, eat something cuz you look like a fucking joleen!
girl: i did earlier. i ate a motherfucking carrot so get off my case.

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Joleene - slang

Joleenes are very bubbly and talk a little too much. They wear way too much makeup and are very competitive. They can sometimes be bitchy and sassy and will steal your spotlight or best friend in a heartbeat. Joleenes are great at sports and flirting and also has a great fashion sense and can do almost anything with hair

" oh no Joleene is coming"
" she is so damn competitive and made the audition but not me"

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Joleen/Jolene is a beautiful girl who has two sides one when she shows affection and her heart to the people she loves. Whereas if you get on her bad side that is not a good sign. This means she will show hatred and disgust towards you.

She has beautiful eyes and hair and her face lights up when she smiles.

Boy 1:yo dude look at joleen/jolene
Boy 2:wow she’s beautiful

Boy 3:I know right I’m so lucky

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Joleen: A super smart chick with a fly booty. The kind of girl who can hang with the guys but dosent take any shit! A girl who is always on the dance floor and laughs like she means it. Most likely a best friend or, your best friends girl friend.

" Joleen's laugh is like the rarest bird singing."

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If you are not sincere with your feelings, don't even try to get close to a Joleen. With those beautiful, penetrating eyes of hers, she can read exactly what is on your mind. She can easily make out your real intentions, so Don't Flirt. It will amount to insulting her and I assure you, insulting her is not at all good for your health. Even when her tone is soothing, her disposition kind and her smile generous, she can be planning the most powerful retaliation. When Joleen is insulted or gets hurt, her fury knows no bounds. The beauty of a Joleen is exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic.

Joleen is fucking amazing. she's a 20 out of 10 and the perfect woman to be with.

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