Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jingos?

Jingo is the definition for a person that shoves a pen up your asshole but claims it was the wind

person 1: Jingo!
person 2: What was that for?
person 1: It wasn't me it was the wind.
person 2: Oh ok.

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Jingos - meme gif

Jingos meme gif

Jingos - video


Jingos - what is it?

(brandname) used generically to mean guys huge pants

"yo drew, hike up your jingos, i can see yo fat ass"

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What does "Jingos" mean?

Contrary to earlier beliefs, jingo is in fact an appellation reserved solely for someone who is a friend. Much as a mexican would say amigo or an american would say buddy, brits have now evolved to say 'jingo' instead of 'mate'.

A: Bella fonti jingo.
B: What's cluckin' jingo?

A: Nout' man, just watching some um bongo.
B: Irie, laters jingo.

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Jingos - what does it mean?

Contrary to common belief (which was that it was slang for masterbation) but the word ''Jingo'' is a name rarely given to a woman, and when it is, it means that she is, in fact, the perfect woman. Usually beautiful, kind, and all around amazing.

"She's such a Jingo... She's way too good for me :("

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Jingos - meaning

Jingo is a term widely used, across the world. The word jingo can be used in many different contexts, but is usually used to call someone a name, as an insult or a compliment. This term originated in the year 2009, and will become a very popular term for the coming years.

"Stop it you jingo" (Used as a negative term)
"Your such a jingo ;)" (Used as a positive term)

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Jingos - definition

In Queensland it's an iceblock on a stick

Can I have a by jingo?
Sure, I'm a by jingo seller. Or am I?

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Jingos - slang

Slang for masturbation. Comes from Jerking Off or J'ing O.

I'm gonna go jingo and get to sleep early tonight.

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Amazingly tasty, zesty, scrumptious, addictive crackers by pepperidge farms that are flavored with lime and chili. Tastes kind Asian-y, and sounds like a racial slur, but surprisingly it's not.

"Have you seen the new Jingos at the store?!"
-"WHAT?! You're racist?"
"Racist? I love Asian flavors!"
-"oOo, you mean Jingos! crackers! Yeah, they are delicious!"
"Let's go gets some!"

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one who has extreme passion for one's country.

whooo, that boy sure is a jingo for japan!!

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Someone who is extremely and overly patriotic. Differs from regular patriotism in that jingoism is usually more aggressive. Used as a negative term.

George Bush, Lamar Smith, and damn near everyone on Fox News are all jingoes.

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