Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FOR PLY?

an extremely good song for geniuses. If you do not know this song then you are an uncultured swine

He was singing 4 ply earlier.

👍25 👎11

FOR PLY - video


FOR PLY - what is it?

Toilet paper which is just one sheet thick. This toilet paper is discounted and should be used at your own risk. Your fingers will frequently go through the toilet paper creating a mess that would not occur if you were not so stingy as to buy one ply in the first place.

Guy 1: Fuck, u smell like shit. What happened to you?
Guy 2: I'm low on money this week, i've been using one ply.

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What does "FOR PLY" mean?

A 'soft' person, particularly a man who lacks toughness; 5 times as soft as 2-ply toilet paper

Man, he can't fight he's definitely 10-ply.

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FOR PLY - what does it mean?

Cheap. Second-rate.

White-trash, trailor-park quality.

Refers to most anything made and imported from China/Taiwan.

Uncle Kenny is single-ply. He would only let Aunt Darlene buy Strawberry Suave $1 shampoo, and would never eat out unless it was two-for-one, all-you-can-eat, early-bird special.

That bitch was all decked out in some single-ply bling from the Dollar Tree.

That was one single-ply wedding reception with easy-cheese on ritz and a dollar dance to pay for the honeymoon at the Comfort Inn & Suites.

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FOR PLY - meaning

soft as fuck

guy one :that cat is cute

guy two :dude your 10 ply

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FOR PLY - definition

Really Soft, A pushover, 5 times softer than 2 ply toilet paper.

Your girfriend won't let you have a couple of beers with the Boy's, you're Ten Ply Bud.

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FOR PLY - slang

When a person has a gigantic penis.

Crap, that guy has a ply

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1) squidward's song...auditioning randomness
2) for application only

for ply, for ply!

p1: hey dude! can i use your pic online?

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The depth to which a chess program analyzes the possible, likely, and ideal moves of a chess game. 1 ply means all currently legal moves and their value, and 2 ply handles the possibilities that arise from those possibilities similarly. The 30th ply takes much longer to compute than the 1st ply. Algorithms and clever code enable shortcuts and even better chances that the computer will kick your ass.

Wow, I hear that guy can play to 50 ply!

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Tone indicator for "playing along"

Person A: *shows video of monkey*
Person B: nice dog 😍 /j
Person A: yes, he's a very cute dog 😍 /ply

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