Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Eat the Cookie?

Good luck

Vote for yes or i will eat your cookies

👍31 👎19

Eat the Cookie - video


Eat the Cookie - what is it?

When the butt cheeks of a person are "eating cookies" they are swallowing up the pants and lumps of fat are visible.

WHOA!!! Yolanda is seriously eating cookies dog, even Atkins couldn't help that.

👍39 👎55

What does "Eat the Cookie" mean?

when a dude and a girl are kissing uncontrollably and someone catches them...

Roommate 1: on the bed kissing and making out with her boyfriend
Roommate 2: Walks in with her boyfriend and catches them and yells...eww yall eating cookies?!

👍57 👎63

Eat the Cookie - what does it mean?

A person is "eating cookies" when their ass cheeks are swallowing up their pants and lumps of fat are visible.

WHOA!!! Wanda best lose some weight dog, she's eating cookies.

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Eat the Cookie - meaning

In the ethnic gay world, "cookies" is a word that could be used instead of 'ass'. "Eating Cookies" means that a person's ass (usually a male) is made love to with a tongue in preparation for anal penetration.

"Eating Cookies". He wanted to stick his cock in my ass but we were all out of lube. If he wanted to slip inside of me, he was going to have to get me soft, wet, and relaxed. I told him that he would have to eat my cookies first.

👍91 👎63

Eat the Cookie - definition

lick the pussy. to do oral sex to female.

Alex told David to eat my cookie and she taste his milk for free.

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Eat the Cookie - slang

Where two or more guys stand in a circle and jack off onto a cookie. And then whoever skeet skeets last is forced to eat it.

Welp Dan you skeet'd last so I guess that means you have to eat the cookie.

👍89 👎77

Eat the Cookie

Arrogantly displaying complete contempt for those one is supposed to serve. Similar to "fiddling while Rome burns."

Q.What do you think about the crisis in health care?

A. I am eating a cookie

👍37 👎15

Eat the Cookie

A phrase to describe getting the short end of the stick, or being left holding the bag! From the literal: group of guys having a circle jerk "on" a cookie placed in the middle of the group. The last one to climax has to "eat the cookie".

John was the one left to eat the cookie when all his friends found chicks to hook up with at the bar.

👍161 👎99

Eat the Cookie

Licking and tasting a woman's sweet vagina

I want you to spread your legs so I can see, smell, and eat that cookie. Damn I love it now spread that cookie while I lick it

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