Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EMOLE?

where you cut yourself #emo

My name is Ayesha and I am diagnosed with emolism

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EMOLE - meme gif

EMOLE meme gif

EMOLE - video


EMOLE - what is it?

An Amazing, smart, Gorgeous human

Wow she's such a Dirty Emol.

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What does "EMOLE" mean?

Examole: To email a mole to your ex.

Emol: To have received an examole.

Examole (Emol)
Examole: " I am going to get drunk and examole him."

Emol: "I just got an emol."

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EMOLE - what does it mean?

A retarded guy who others call Gothic or Neo-Gothic. He listens to mental songs on his fake iPod and thinks he's cool.

Alif:Hey check this out it's called Dark Revenge!!
Ben:He's emol

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EMOLE - meaning

An emo who resembles a mole.

Marc: Have you seen Josh lately, the Emo one?
Michael: What the mole?
Marc: Dude, EMOLE

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EMOLE - definition

a super nice girl who always invited to parties and is the best person in sports.

"OMG, she is so emolic!"

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EMOLE - slang

The act of turning something emo.

β€œoh god, oh fuck. I can’t show my music to Zach, otherwise it will be emolized.”

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The use of a dab pen quickly followed by hitting your juul or any nicotine in the same breath.

Yooo kitch, you tryna take some emoles?

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