Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHON?

A word short for "punch on", meaning to fight somebody.

Guy 1: Dude your so gay.
Guy 2: Wanna chon?
Guy1: Yeah, aright.

They then begin to belt the shit out of eachother.

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CHON - meme gif

CHON meme gif

CHON - video


CHON - what is it?

Someone who is equivilant or greater than God.
Someone who usually dominates the opposition with fists.

Did you see him beat up that guy?
He is such a CHon!

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What does "CHON" mean?

Vernacular nickname for Koreans, with strongly offensive overtones. It is the most frequently used syllable in the Korean language with a well-defined tone. Can be used in conjunction with English words or appended at the end of sentences to make the statement understood to be Korean.

1) Wud up Chon? Had jo Kimchi today yet nom sayin'?

2) I was playing Starcraft 2 last night and this player-chon was so pro he owned in 1 minute! I got totally chon-ed up son.

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CHON - what does it mean?

To perform the sexual act of eating leftover food from someone’s butthole

It’s a little weird, but my partner and I tried chonning last night.

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CHON - meaning

To fight, or 'chon-on'
From the term, punch on
pun-ch on- : chons

- She better not, or there'll be chons

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CHON - definition

meaning sex or to have sex

I took my gf to the car to chon chon.

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CHON - slang

A mexican slang term for sex or for having sex

"Gimmie some chon chon!"

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The funniest line in the movie "Blood In Blood Out",

Popeye: You white bitch, GIVE ME SOME CHON CHON!

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A word used to describe excitement, or other extreme emotion.

the letters stand for the following:
C - Carbon
H - Hydrogen
O - Oxygen
N - Nitrogen

In washingto DC's natural history museum there is an approximately 5 minute long video on the beginnings of the universe. C.H.O.N. people dance around and create everything.

Chon chon chon, chon chon chon chon. Chon chon chon, chon chon chon chon, Chon chon chon, chon chon chon chon. Chon chon chon, chon chon chon chon. CHON!!!!

The chon song that is sang by the dancing CHON figures in the video.

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A progressive/math rock band formed in 2008 that consists of Mario Camarena, Nathan Camarena, and Erick Hansel

"hey, did you hear of that guy doing a cover of sleepy tea, by chon on the drums? yeah, me neither"

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