Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CHON CHON?

She's just plain annoying

"Tara Chon Chon is annoying as hell"

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CHON CHON - video


CHON CHON - what is it?

she's j annoying like who tf takes pic in a trunk

yo that girl is rlly a tara chon chon

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What does "CHON CHON" mean?

A chode; a small penis.

It is normal for a guy to have a chon-chon.

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CHON CHON - what does it mean?

Spanish for underwear of any kind especially boxers.

I spilt milk on my pajamas but my chon chons are dry.

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CHON CHON - meaning

A boy who is lonely and doesnt have any friends only imaginary friends. Yet think they do.

Omg i would hate to be chon chon cuz hes a loner .

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CHON CHON - definition

a Spanish word meaning a mythical bird

that is a beautiful chon chon

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CHON CHON - slang

meaning sex or to have sex

I took my gf to the car to chon chon.

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A mexican slang term for sex or for having sex

"Gimmie some chon chon!"

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The funniest line in the movie "Blood In Blood Out",

Popeye: You white bitch, GIVE ME SOME CHON CHON!

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