Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Binga?

A secret way to ask for nudes

β€œHey you! Schuba binga?”
β€œYea sure just let me go to the toilet real quick”

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Binga - meme gif

Binga meme gif

Binga - video


Binga - what is it?

NYC slang for a black person. Not necessarily derogatory - more, for private conversation use.

I just walked by the SSI office on 14th Street. Man, there was a lot of inga-bingas out front.

You see that story on the news, about the gang shooting in Brooklyn? They said some inga-binga got capped at a BBQ, 'cause apparently, he 'dissed the shooter earlier. Crazy shit!

Until you got here, I was in a sea of inga-bingas.

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What does "Binga" mean?

binga chinga is a cry of desperation at the fact that someone could possibly utter something so incredibly, ridiculously stupid

Phil said he wanted to get dominated by 15 men and DIE

Binga chinga my guy

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Binga - what does it mean?

A cry of joy/excitement when someone does something incredibly stupid

"Lucas just crushed his nut with a racquet.."
"Chinga Binga my guy"

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Binga - meaning

owner of the black falken, hottest north island member

binga is hot

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Binga - definition

Another term for a penis

Dude. You have the smallest la binga here so I wouldn't be talkin'.

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Binga - slang

The act of having busing fingers with the naughty part of the female body.

Some females do this when lonely.

Backwards talk for "Busy Fingers"

"How'd it go with Rachel?"

"Dude, I was tryin to get mah fizzy bingas goin, but then her dad came home!"

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To slip a couple of fingers in the back door.

"Did you get any action with that lass last night?"

"Nah, but I did get to give her a binga!"

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A punjabi word which literally translates to bent or upside down. Is common slang to refer to a gay.

Is that bahman gay


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Name given to australian cricket bowler Brett Lee for his insane speed.

Also can be referred to as someone who is quick.

whoa did you see binga today, he was quick!!

Oh what a Binga! he was binging 140 in a 60 zone!

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