Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bahman?

Bahman means a boy who has a huge ass ( sth like nicki minaj or kim kardashian )
His friends have sexual crush on him.
A person who get molested by other men.
Also bahman is known as a symbol of ass

Look at her bahman dude!
I wish i had a bahman in my life

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bahman - meme gif

bahman meme gif

bahman - video


Bahman - what is it?

The original name of bruce wayne, people usually mistakenly call him Batman but the correct form is Bahman.
A very rich and handsome, man master of martial arts, playboy, scientist.

na na na na na Bahman. (Bahman theme song)
Bahman is the hero Arkham needs, not the hero Arkham wants.
Bahman is the dark knight.
Bahman begins ( also a common saying when the 10th month of persian year begins).

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What does "bahman" mean?

Iranian name/month.
A person with the name Bahman is always awesome, they are pretty cool people. The are really smart. The girls are usually all over 'em

Guy 1: Hey dude you know that guy Bahman?
Guy 2: Yeah, the one who gets all the chicks?
Guy 1: yeah!

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Bahman - what does it mean?

According to zoroasterian texts, Bahman means "Good Purpose" and it also means protector of animals.
The name Bahman in the persian language means avalanche and it is also the 11th month of the year, equivelant to November.
Bahman in the ancient times was beleived to be the name of the god of good will and good purpose, he was also beleived to have been a bit of a ladies man. But he only had one real love, Delara - Godess of love and kindness.

"he is such a bahman" meaning : he is such a ladies man
"he has such a bahman" meaning : he has such good will/purpose
"oh! i can't beleive its nearly bahman" meaning : its nearly the 11th month of the year.
"there is a bahman coming" meaning : there is an avalanche coming

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