Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baf?

Acronym of Bored as Fuck.
Can also be used as BAFF - Bored as Fucking Fuck.
Describes a state of extreme boredom.

I'm BAF today!

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Baf - meme gif

Baf meme gif

Baf - video


Baf - what is it?

No clue what the fucks going on


Hey What's this box for

'I dunno mate I'm baffed '

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What does "Baf" mean?

to be without a fucking clue.

Man 1 - Where did that bloke go?
Man 2 - Dunno mate, i'm baffed!

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Baf - what does it mean?

Acronym for "Blow a fart." As in to pass wind, pass gas, flatulence.

Woman: Did you just baf?
Man: Yes I did, I had beans for lunch. It's perfectly natural.

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Baf - meaning

Noun: Slightly erect penis which tends to last a substantial amount of time.

Dude, is it okay to get a baf when you see a hot transgender?

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Baf - definition

To make a sound to inform of your disapproval, skeptically, and usually comes with a roll of the eye.
A Baf sounds like "bphhhh".

"bphhhh, *rolls eye* you're not going to get a A on that test! You hardly studied!"
(bphhhh=the sound of a Baf)

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Baf - slang

Bitch ass fucker

Justin texted : I would invite you to the party but you’re lame.

You texted : shut up baf

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Another word for cool. Meaning Awesome, radical, amazing, Etc.

"OMG, That is so Baf."

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an acronym for 'bomb as fuck'

the tacos you made were baf with all the cheesy stuff i like

that girl was baf, she had those hot dimples on her back!

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bad as fuck

My day was Baf

see that girl over there she is Baf

mean this girl gave me dome and it was Baf

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