Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Afae?

Ain't fucking around - no nonsense, serious commitment in pursuit of a goal, getting shit done

Dude did you see that guy on the squat rack, he was squatting 500lbs atg, afa mate, let's hit these weights!

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Afae - meme gif

Afae meme gif

Afae - video


Afae - what is it?

Asking For Attention.

Girl: "I'm really fit aren't I?"
Boy: "AFA again."

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What does "Afae" mean?

Ass For Anything

AFA, Ass for Anything, The one who is send to do all the minor and unimportant tasks.

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Afae - what does it mean?

American Family Association - hate organization that defends so-called "family values."

If the AFA ruled the world, they would jail homosexuals!

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Afae - meaning

Absolutely Fucking Awesome

That cunt that hooked up with the same girls as sheepie is an afa

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Afae - definition

Anti Fashist Action.......

Bash the Fash........

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Afae - slang

American Family Association:
An organization that promotes traditional family values

That kids parents are part of the AFA.

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Anti Furry Association

Dude did you hear czarina is a furry? I’m in the AFA so I have to put her on… the list.

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Alcohol for Architects.

Organization founded at NYIT by Architects and Interior Design Students.

AFA meeting tonight?!?!

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Afae; perfect, should never change, never be forgotten,

The sight of the unicorn was afae.

Tis quite a shame that they decided to change actors, t'was afae.

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