Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ASSCAKE?

In other words it's shit, especially if it is spread over a large surface, say an ass for example that gives someone the impression of a cake.

Person1: Hey, want some asscake icing?
Person2: Hell yeah!

👍33 👎21

ASSCAKE - video


ASSCAKE - what is it?

Noun ; squishy or soggy ass .

Mostly used in the Gay community .

Originated from Awesome and Possom .


"What's up with your asscake?" (LISP)
"Pardon me ... Why dont you fix that asscake?"

👍27 👎17

What does "ASSCAKE" mean?

clever way of saying someone is an asshole. i mean seriously why say asshole thats so mainstream. and cake is more fun sounding than hole... heh

mr poo: i love you
captain jesus: shut up asscake

👍31 👎25

ASSCAKE - what does it mean?

Ass + Cake
one who resembles a donkey or a human rear end, is to slow to understand anything, completes all tasks with imeasurable foolishness, and is slow or fat at the result of being incredibly lazy and eating to many unhealthy foods that are staples in the american diet such as cake.

Also, a lame insult aimed by republicans at liberals for there partys animal, a donkey. Those in the asscake or aszcake cult worship and live through the ability to blame all of societys and there own problems on those democrats who posses fat asses and ramble nonsensically like Al Sharpton.

Some random Asscake: O well I'm to lazy.
MrT: Asscake

MrT: I hate Bush
Sunshit: Asscake

Thomas Thomas Thomas Thomas: So vat is up?
MrT: Asscake

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ASSCAKE - meaning

When someone's ass you just ate tasted just like cake, so you ate it like cake.

Oh yeah. I ate her ass like it was cake. She had an Asscake.

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ASSCAKE - definition


Homie stop being a asscake and pass me the joint.

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ASSCAKE - slang

When you take a dump that has the consistency of cake mix after eating nothing but alcohol the night before.

"Dude, i got totally wasted last night. When i had a dump this morning is was Asscake!"

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A mean, ignorant and insensitive person who makes a complete ass of themself.

Person 1: That guy is such an asscake!
Person 2: Yeah I know!

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(Noun.) 14 guys performing a creampie simultaniously, filling a male asshole, making a vanilla frosted cake-like substance, an asscake.

The KKK just gave asscakes to innocent black convicts all over the tri-state area. Those faggot asshole KKK fucks!

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A person who is a simple asshole.

That farm boy was just an asscake.

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