Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zat's?

a phrase that people use in New Orleans to say "that dick", but in a more ghetto way.

"Girl look at zat zick"
"Yeah its pretty small" lol

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zat's - meme gif

zat's meme gif

zat's - video


Zat's - what is it?

Some thing not to write on a white board in religion or you will get a zat of referall!!!

Dude that right there is a zat of benis

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What does "zat's" mean?

the sound Link makes in Super Smash Bros. Also an expression of dominance when ramming someone in the ass at video games.

Oh get owned bitch! ZAT, ZAT!

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Zat's - what does it mean?

zat is a common expression used to express amazement in some Bangladeshi social networking site. Just as lol.

zat! dp is nice.

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Zat's - meaning

Someone you don't really have anything against, but you hit for the fun of it anyway.

Wow, he smacked her around like a Zat

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Zat's - definition

acne on your butt.

I saw Raul in the shower yesterday...he's got mad zats.

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Zat's - slang

short for "is that"

I wanna go out tonight. Zat coo?

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dutch slang in belgium meaning drunk

ik ben zat moat = im drunk mate

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the way foreigners pronounce the word "that"

"vut iz zat?" (what is that?)

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An energy weapon used on the TV show Stargate SG1. It resembles a cobra ansd fires a lightning bolt. One hit from a zat will stun you. Another shortly after will kill. One more and you're vaporized.

Leave the guns in the armory, guys, I've got some zats right here.

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