Definder - what does the word mean?

What is you Made?

this means if you were to have sex you wouldn’t be able to get wet

excuse me but if you made a dessert it would be dry

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you Made - video


You Made - what is it?

it means you are stupid or broken

guy I failed the exam

bro you are made

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What does "you Made" mean?

What happens when you do something so utterly stupid, chibi Mikuru proceeds to screech at the top of her lungs. Nice job breaking it hero.

Originates from the mini series The Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya. When Kyon and Itsuki try to act like hosts, their behavior drives Mikuru to repeatedly make a high-pitched squeal. Haruhi yells at the two and says that they "made Mikuru cry."

Stranger 1: "What's your favorite book?"
Stranger 2: "Twilight."
Stranger 1: "...... Look what you did. You made Mikuru cry."

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You Made - what does it mean?

usually when a person is eating, someone says something that makes you feel full.

often times this can usually mean that you’re upset, grossed out or mad at someone because of what they said

person 1: *eats*
person 2: β€œyou look like a pig, stop stuffing your face.”
person 1: β€œyou made me full since you said such a comment like that.”

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You Made - meaning

When you have a large orgasm that kind of looks like a stroke and the flood gates open.

Girl: Omg you made me ink that was incredible! Where’s the mop!?

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You Made - definition

When you make a girls pussy wet

God, you made me wet.

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You Made - slang

pompon is going to kill you because you have done something very terrible

pumpkin pie: YOU MADE POMPON MAD!

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You Made

Made is a word/meme that is sweeping the world wide web. It started off as you mad bro? But when that stopped effectively pissing people off it became uMadeBro? To which someone will instantly become enraged because they are either A) too stupid to understand what is meant by made or B) they know what made means and they are in fact quite made. It can be heard online over and over again by today's youth, You Made Bro?

Me: "Wow that guy just punched me square in the face!"
Friend: "You Made Bro?"

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You Made

"You Made The Sandwich" is a callback to the popular subway meme in which someone makes their sandwich at subway and doesn't like it, even though they chose the ingredients. This phrase is used when someone is the cause of their own misfortune.

Guy 1: Ah man, I didn't study for that test and I got an F.
Guy 2: Dude, you made the sandwich.

Guy 1: True.

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You Made

comes from the slang "you mad?" or "you mad bro?"

Me: you made?
Eric: (rages even more)

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