Definder - what does the word mean?

What is yonic?

Yonice is a strong woman caring gives her very last to anybody that she cares about, people take her for granted all the time take it vantage of her but she stays strong, very loving and caring very good mother Beautiful inside and out ;! Even though she doesn’t believe she’s beautiful .

Very down to earth and giving person , filled with joy and happiness Open minded , A very good friend to have

Yonice is LOVING

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yonic - meme gif

yonic meme gif

yonic - video


Yonic - what is it?

Person who is meticulosy boring and a wussie, they are not risky frisky but rather play it safe and be in the act of total rejection for any down ass things

I wanted to go sky diving with adam,but instead he decided to be a yonic yawner and stay at home.

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What does "yonic" mean?

Something a girl does in order to prolong a sex for a man, particularly a man who ejaculates prematurely.

Man: "What the fuck is a yonic pretzel?"

Woman: "Its like" a negative kagel"
Man: "A negative what?"
Woman: "Ok its just complicated vagina shit, everytime you think your gonna blow (cum), you just pinch me and that will be my cue to pretzel ok?"
Man: "Ok....."

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Yonic - what does it mean?

A guy who is very quiet at times but also very nice, he is loving and caring and will always be there to protect his family, but he will get annoyed very easily so try not to annoy him or else he'll throw you on a table, also he is always there for you and will make your day better, but when ever is at home he is very goofy and lazy and has a hentai addiction that haunts him so make sure not to mention hentai near him.

Person:Hey yonic I'm sad my girlfriend broke up with me

Yonic:damn that sucks man dont worry bro me and your homies and hear for you.
At home
Person:hey tonic I'm sad my girlfriend broke up with me

Yonic;LOL imagine having your girlfriend leave you

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Yonic - meaning

being in a state of mind other than sober. could also mean getting drunk

yonice man im so gone

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Yonic - definition

Of, or pertaining to, the vagina. Opposite of 'phallic'.

"The asparagus is phallic and these oysters are very yonic."

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Yonic - slang

1) looks like a vulva (vulva = outside of vagina), the opposite of phallic.
2) a synonymn for "cool".

1. "That banana split looks yonic."
2. "That's so yonic!"

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Of or pertaining to the yoni; vaginal or sapphic in shape, texture, or color.

Those flower petals look very yonic.

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