Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wyom?

A tear in space time in which advanced beings come into our world. Unknown to everyone except the top military leaders know what this place may be. The US government says it's real, but I've never met anyone from there, so it ain't real. Supposedly people say they come from there, a portal to another universe, the perfect boring rectangular shape is a gateway to the unknown. Do not go there, ever, or they'll come for you.

P1"Dude I always wanted to go to wyoming, can we go?"
P2"No, the beings there are nonexistent, I-I mean not today, I'm busy"
P1 His eyes turn bloody red, wanting to go
P1"Take me there, mortal or I will banish you to our dark overlord, you will be consumed"
P2"n-no, they got to you too, SHIT, it has consumed P1"
P2 runs but was consumed by P1, one by one, he is banished to that realm
P2s last words "don't go-go to th-the sta-
His last words cutoff as he was consumed already, the dark one will be ready for him.
Do not go to this, this place

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wyom - meme gif

wyom meme gif

wyom - video


Wyom - what is it?

A ¨state¨ in the U.S. that does not exist. No one has been to Wyoming. If you think you have, you have not. You just went through a piece of land that is not owed or lived on by anyone. Wyoming is a conspiracy.

Stranger: I was born in Wyoming!
You: No

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What does "wyom" mean?

To wyom is to act as if deep in thought, but in actuality be thinking about nothing at all.

The man continued to wyom in the darkness. Alone.

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Wyom - what does it mean?

Unsuspecting travelers wander into this warp of the space-time continuum and become human test subjects of the United States government. All memories they have were implanted using secret alien technology. Sometimes problems happen with the secret alien technology, such as becoming Dick Cheney

Person 1: Hey did you hear about Joe, he said he went to Wyoming the other day.
Person 2: Yeah, I heard that he got an anal probe from Dr. Fauci

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Wyom - meaning

A made up place

Wyoming doesn’t exist

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Wyom - definition

Wyoming is supposedly a state. Wyoming does not in fact exist, it is a distortion of space-time that only appears to exist. Anyone you've met who thinks they have been to Wyoming, or believes they have lived in Wyoming have had fake memories implanted by the U.S. government. This is because they cannot explain it, and it would cause a mass panic if the public knew the truth. If you attempt to drive into Wyoming you will wake up in Canada, naked, and with no memories. (This is how Canada gets new citizens).

"Oh so you say you've come from Wyoming the state huh?"

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Wyom - slang

To stand in the middle of a field and shout racial obscenities

Person 1: Hey how are you?
Person 2: I'm good, I just spent 2 hours wyoming

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derived from the original english word "wyoming", it means to fap incessantly without any hope of climax. it is not unlike beating a dead horse.

1. derick is a hopeless romantic. correction, he is in fact a hopeless wyomer.
2. look at all these people wyoming. it must be the biggest population of fappers i've ever seen in one sitting.
3. i wyom in wyoming. (in this case, "wyoming" is used as the proper noun describing the state)

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1. To wyom.

2. To flail joyfully.

1) Hey dude, are you Wyoming?

2) yeah dude i love to wyom

1) Nice.

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verb: to wiggle like a worm

girl 1: look at him

girl 2: what’s he doing?
girl 1: he’s...he’s wyoming

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