Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wazzled?

A modern day, South East London based school word for "bundle".

Oi, Steve you smelly nonce, look over there, there's a massive wazzle going on. Let's go. WAZZLE!

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wazzled - video


Wazzled - what is it?

To pull out ones penis and shake it around while yelling β€œWAZZLE WAZZLE WAZZLE”

Bryce pulled out his dick and wazzled for the babysitter

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What does "wazzled" mean?

explosive urinating under harsh conditions

"get me to a bathroom right now, or I'll wazzle all over this car!"

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Wazzled - what does it mean?

Scottish slang for urination.

I'm just aff for a wazzle.

I wouldn't wazzle on him if he was on fire.

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Wazzled - meaning

Pissed, Drunk, monged

'Lets get wazzled'
'I was totally wazzled last night'

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Wazzled - definition

A wank, to masturbate.

We didn't have sex, so I had a wazzle.

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Wazzled - slang

a dancing style originated from finland, it's basically shuffle with some sick muzz thrown in

x: do you see that person wazzling right there?
y: damn, that wazzle style dancing is smooth and aesthetic as f**k man...

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State of being in which a person has little or no sense, use, or purpose.
A person who wazzles is referred to as a Wazzler.

Instead of doing your homework, you spent the day wazzling!
You wazzled the whole day! You're fired!

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1) to masturbate.
2) a very stupid person
3) a very good poker player, especially in the game "Texas Hold'em".
4) to have sex

1) Of course it is, you know...I wazzle, you wazzle, he, she, me, wazzle. Wazzle, wazzling, wazzlisation, Wazzleology, the study of wazzle.

2) Are you a wazzle?
3) Man, you are such a wazzler that you wazzle with my cards all day.
4) C'mon lets wazzle.

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It means to give head/ suck dick

Boy: hey wanna run wazzles
Girl:what’s wazzles
Boy: it’s head
Girl: aight bet

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