Definder - what does the word mean?

What is wankpuffin?

a liar, piece of Shit, racist, no one likes you, probably say this word in Britain or something.

Donald trump is a wankpuffin

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wankpuffin - video


Wankpuffin - what is it?

Short, stout moron puffed up with a sense of self-importance and insular world views (usually obtained from the Daily Mail, Express or Sun). Often sports a crew-cut, Essex Triple-Ripple neck and 30 pint belly.

The Wankpuffin is very loud, especially in a colony of other identical wankpuffins. But and the end of the day, it's a pointless little creature mainly eaten by Icelanders !!

Did you see the Britain First rally in the papers..... Noisy bunch of Wankpuffins - full of sound and fury , signifying nothing.

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What does "wankpuffin" mean?

A horrid person. A terrible tinkle berry box. Assassination worthy.

Katelyn: "Donald Trump is a wankpuffin."
Sebastian: "Yeah, he's a horrid person."

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Wankpuffin - what does it mean?

Masterbaiting penguin

"You just tweeted that from your iPhone you wankpuffin"

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Wankpuffin - meaning

A insult that came originally from a randomly generated broadband user name, however subsequently was used by Milk the Cow Podcast to describe Donald Trump causing a viral internet phenomenon.


Donald J. TrumpVerified account

Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cellphone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal

Milk the cow podcast @mtcpodcast

You tweeted that from your Iphone you Wankpuffin!

👍31 👎21

Wankpuffin - definition

predominantly British term for constitutionality masturbation addicted person.

Donald Trump is a wankpuffin

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Wankpuffin - slang

Commonly associated with Donald Trump.

1. A north-Atlantic bird that does nothing but jerk off
2. An asshole
3. A dumb person

Dude, did you see Donald Trump's twitter? Someone called him a wankpuffin!

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wank - to masturbate
puffery - exaggerated claims of quality which cannot be determined
specifically relates to Donald Trump

n. wankpuffin is the unrealistic claims declared by Trump, a form of public mental masturbation.

It takes a wankpuffin to make that kind of statement.

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Some say Sir. David Attenborough blurted it out in a fit of rage in the latest episode of "Planet Earth", others say it's a colourful seabird's special "private time" with it's big head.... all we know is it's an awesome put-down currently trending on Twitter

Donald Trump (tweeting from his iPhone): Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cellphone info to authorities regarding radical terrorists

Twitter Follower to Donald: You tweeted this from your iPhone you wankpuffin

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"Wankpuffin" is a term that trended on Twitter after composer Nick Harvey tweeted his shock that it was his mother's ISP username. The apparent melding of the British slang "wank," or masturbate, with "Puffin," a North Atlantic sea bird, the term was quickly adapted as a pejorative for wankers in general, most notably, Donald Trump.

Donald J. Trump: Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cell phone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal

Milk the Cow Podcast: You tweeted this from your iPhone you wankpuffin.

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