Definder - what does the word mean?

What is upd?

Last first day (in spanish ΓΊltimo primer dΓ­a)

It’s a celebration born in Latin America where high school seniors party the night before school starts, they usually go to school the next day wasted or even pass out in school.

A: are you going to the UPD?

B: yes, I am.

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upd - meme gif

upd meme gif

upd - video


Upd - what is it?

β€’ Description: Medical condition. A term used to describe the swollen female genitalia or anus after vigorous prolonged coitus with a very well-endowed male. CoPD Antonym; Cod

β€’ Parameters:
o Female will complain about being swollen shut.
o Usually with a very large deposit of male DNA.
o Must meet the following triad:
 Length
 Girth
 And, incredible natural; albeit almost brutal; stamina.
o The female, through combined effort, will have achieved a minimum of 10 vaginal, clitoral, anal (or combined) orgasms. Orgasms achieved from any position; preferably many positions; with an emphasis on deep penetrating thrusts whereby the female aides by thrusting in conjunction with the male.
o Upon completion of the act, the male remains deep in the female until pulsations from male and female cease and the female Kegel muscle releases the male from her grasp.
o Upon withdrawal, the female swells shut, trapping the male deposit for a number of days depending upon the vigorousness of the session, duration, and volume of deposit.

β€’ Adverse medical affects:
o Honeymoon cystitis.
o Development of a hyperactive female libido.
o Swollen, sore vaginal lips for days after (what am I saying??? I want that!)
o The woman is swollen. Urination is problematic.
o Walking for the female, may be an issue.
o May required longer periods of sleep after coitus.

"OMG he FUCKED me so hard he gave me Ultimate Pelvic Destruction (UPD)!

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What does "upd" mean?

When a person is so drunk or zoned out, they literally need a brain software update to function again. Named after the Minecraft info_update or "ate!upd" block.

Veronica was so drunk, she needed an ate!upd to function

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Upd - what does it mean?

Upland Police Department. (upland California). also U.P.D

all skaters must wear pads and helmet while in the skatepark or u will be cited by UPD

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Upd - meaning

The upward protrusion of a point on a flat surface

My car has an upding on the hood, the dent is on the inside going up so there is an upding showing on the outside.

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Upd - definition

University Police Department. The name of the police department in all of State University of New York schools.

I hate the UPD because they always give out parking tickets for stupid reasons. They should be trying to curb the rape rates instead.

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Upd - slang

Unimportant Plot Development. The part of an action movie that you fast forward past to get to the interesting stuff.

We'll get to the scene where Vin Diesel poons that guy after we get past all this useless UPD.

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β€œUPD” or β€œΓšltimo Primer dΓ­a” (Last first day) is an argentinian celebration that students make in reference to their last first day in high school.

The UPD begins on a night prior to the start of classes, with the condition of staying awake until entering school the next day. The celebration begins in a house where all or some members of the course meet, which then lasts overnight in parks near the school and ends at the door or in the courtyard of the institution they attend, until the time of school entry.

This celebration is widely criticized some acts of vandalism, the noise late at night, the use of flares, dirt generated on public roads and, especially, the consumption of alcohol

β€œEn mi ΓΊltimo aΓ±o hago mi UPD”
β€œHoy es mi UPD”

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In unicycling, an unplanned dismount. Not a fall per se, but something that causes you to step off or otherwise end up off of the unicycle without any injury or dramatic falling.

Unseen bumps can cause occasional UPDs, but as riding ability increases, chances are you will just have the shit scared out of you.

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Short for updating.

β€œYo bro, Roblox just dropped another upd!”

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