Definder - what does the word mean?

What is to pull a Tim?

When one member or more of a squad completely ignore the color scheme (usually all black) of the rest of squad, and go rogue with another color.

We're all murdered out tonight guys right?
Well yea, except him ofcourse, he's "Pulling a Tim" with that maroon shirt and hat.

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to pull a Tim - video


To pull a Tim - what is it?

When a grown man shows up to a mostly kid-themed event.

Mike: Hey what’s Jimmy doing at the roller skating rink at Fourth Grade Night, licking his cotton candy?
Joe: Oh Jimmy’s just Pulling a Tim again. What a creep...

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What does "to pull a Tim" mean?

Taking Friday afternoon off - it's a holiday... right?

It's too nice outside to be working this afternoon - I'm pulling a Tim.

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To pull a Tim - what does it mean?

Imma pull a tim happens when someone you are talking to unadds you in every social media that they have with out saying why.

Person 1: I think imma pull a tim on her

Person 2: WHAT he pulled a tim on me !

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To pull a Tim - meaning

Becoming severely upset or even crying over a major failure in ones life.

Bill is pulling a Tim Tebow because he lost at the Monopoly World Championships.

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To pull a Tim - definition

To fire people during a time of crisis for completely selfish reasons.

"oh gosh Gary, I'm terrified my boss is going to pull a Tim Martin..."

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To pull a Tim - slang

To sleep with the hottest chick in chat before becoming a chatter.. then to switch up and sleep with girls with fat butts who show them on cam and anyone and everyone else.

Damn.. He did that fatty girl on cam.. the one with the bumps between her legs and stretch marked boobs on cam.. he pulled a Tim.

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To pull a Tim

Making a very bad joke most often involving a pun or some other sort of play on words.

Much to Meesha's dismay more and more people seem to be pulling a Tim these days.

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To pull a Tim

To borrow a book (generally a textbook) immediately prior to disappearing for a long period of time. This often causes stress and concern for the original owner of the book, as he is unable to complete his assignment on time.

Steve: "Hey, can I work with you on the Space Sciences work tonight?"
Face: "Sorry, but I don't have my book any more. TJ decided to pull a Tim before disappearing off to the West Coast all week."

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To pull a Tim

To wear down a girl's defenses over an extended period of time, usually over many months to finally get her to sleep with you while she's drunk

Wow, you really Pulled a Tim on that one!

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