Definder - what does the word mean?

What is the SPIDERMAN?

ive nothing much to add to the whole cumming in your hand and flinging it in her face except when you do you have to yell "go web go!"

they love it when you do it cuz it shows you care

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the SPIDERMAN - video


The SPIDERMAN - what is it?

While fucking a girl from behind, quickly pull out and ejaculate in your hand. After ejaculating continue to fuck her from behind. While rockin it, start saying "peter parker, peter parker." In a state of confusion, your parter will look back and say "What?" At this point, release your fluid at her face while yelling, "SPIDERMAN!"

Cindy didn't know what 'hit' her when i showed her my spiderman!

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What does "the SPIDERMAN" mean?

when a man pulls out and ejaculates on his hand, then throws it at the womans face like a spider web.

(can't think of example for spidermaning)

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The SPIDERMAN - what does it mean?

Mr stark i don't feel so good

Spiderman dies in infinity war

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The SPIDERMAN - meaning

Upon reaching climax while doggying your partner you first must fake ejaculation onto their backside while catching your ejaculate in your hand. Your partner will believe you to be finished with intercourse and will most undoubtely turn around to look at you in a hopefully satisfied manner. At this moment , you use the semen that you have now equally distributed in each hand and flick the semen at your partners face using the same motion that spiderman uses to shoot his webs in the comic books/movie. As you tarnish your partners face in semen you will yell "GO WEB GO!!!" Please reference the scene in the first spiderman movie where he is trying out his newly found web forming powers and yells this exact phrase.

"I gave her the spiderman because I enjoy humilating all of my lovers in a most satisfying manner"

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The SPIDERMAN - definition

To do your girl doggy so she cant see you then pull out just before cumming and cum in your hand, call your girls name then unleash your jiz onto her face in the same way spiderman spins a web.

I enjoyed spidermanning your wife last night, she seemed as surpised as you do right now.

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The SPIDERMAN - slang

A guy who shoots semen outta his hands and swings around the whole city with his semen. He can shoot semen in many different forms like,semen ball,cover everyone with semen,hang upside down with semen. Basically his real name was semenman but due to society he had to change his name, sad isnt it.

Spiderman how do you shoot semen balls.

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Spider-Man is a fictional character, a comic book superhero who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko, he first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962). Lee and Ditko conceived of the character as an orphan being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and as a teenager, having to deal with the normal struggles of adolescence in addition to those of a costumed crimefighter. Spider-Man's creators gave him super strength and agility, the ability to cling to most surfaces, shoot spider-webs using devices of his own invention which he called "web-shooters", and react to danger quickly with his "spider-sense", enabling him to combat his foes.

Iron man:Blad,you hear about Spiderman
Mary Jane Watson:Yeah,he is my boyfriend
Lois Lane:(Sighs)I wish she was my boyfriend
Superman: You've got me
Lois Lane:You're not good in bed

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while taking your sexual partner from behind, you proceed to ejaculate into your palm. When your partner turns around for post sex cuddling. You throw your "seaman filled hand" forward, releasing its contents on your partner's face, while screaming "SPIDERMAN".

My girlfriend loves toby maguire, so i decided to show her the Spiderman.

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Your local idiot who sprays silly string from the top of skyscrapers and thinks he can fly

Emma Stone: Look! It’s a jumper *girly scream*
Jamie Foxx: Nah it’s just that drunk spiderman

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