Definder - what does the word mean?

What is swageric?

cool,jackass,energizer,smooth,handsome ,dick, loser, winner,rapper

tool, bigleague swager ladies man funny

👍25 👎13

swageric - meme gif

swageric meme gif

swageric - video


Swageric - what is it?

A person who jacks your ideas and acts like he made or started that

look at that swager jacker he just stole your flow

👍225 👎71

What does "swageric" mean?

limp,bending, drooping, droopy, ductile, exhausted, feeble, flabby,flexible, flexuous, flimsy, floppy, formative, impressible,languishing, limber, loose, plastic, relaxed, soft, spent, tired, unsubstantial, weakened, wearied, worn out, yielding

i walk with a swager

👍205 👎753

Swageric - what does it mean?

used to describe the amount of swag that someone has.

Joe: "I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that you people were at my level of swagerness."
Lauren: "I believe I am above your level of swagerness."

👍31 👎17

Swageric - meaning

some one who is very swagerific and obtains the most highest amount of swag

Look at Stephan he looks so swagerous today

👍33 👎13

Swageric - definition

Someone who is original with ideas and styles. Someone who is confident. Someone who has the personality of someone with a big dick.

Your just a swager jacker, i'm a certified lamborghini instant cadillacer.

That nigga has swager.

Obama gots swager.

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Swageric - slang

Swager - pronounced with a long "a" - that is, rimes with "cage" not "cap". It is tool used to crimp or bend metal. The other definitions were poor definitions of Swagger - notice the second "g" causing the word to rime with "cap" not "cage".

Anglers use a swager to crimp sleeves onto fishing line to make a secure loop at the end of the line. If they do it well they are entitled to swager

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The art of mastering swag while trying to act normal

Boy:"So my math teacher told me to do a problem on the board while I had a boner, but I still walked up and did it."
Girl:"You're so swageric."

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