Definder - what does the word mean?

What is suet?

the term is used after Don Haas plays with his victims and they scream SUET SUET!!!

DON just SUETED me!!!

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suet - meme gif

suet meme gif

suet - video


Suet - what is it?

A Cantonese name for girls.

"Suet" symbolizes snow in winter.
"Yan" means gratitude.
Girls with this name usually own two fierce dogs.
They get bitten every single day.
One characteristic of "Suet Yan" is they are slow eaters.
They take hours to eat and bathe.

You are being too Suet Yan today.

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What does "suet" mean?

An amazing person. They are always very funny and smart. Awesome friend (make sure you keep them). Also has some of the best memes

Person 1: Omg it's Suet Wing their so funny
Person 2: Ikr

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Suet - what does it mean?

Suet Fen is a really caring and outgoing girl. Full of laughs and really sporty!! She is literally goals.

"Damn I really want to be like Suet Fen!"

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Suet - meaning

Saying to mean oh my gosh, usually spoken after a few alcoholic drinks, can also be meant as swearing, replacing oh with a swear word of your choice.

look at her! Fa suet!

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Suet - definition

A funny sound used by red neck farmers to call their pigs (mexicans). Suet is the left-over crap that pigs eat...part of why pigs are sooo delicious.

Suuuuuet!!! Suuuuet. Come here you damn beanerz.

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Suet - slang

To be super awesome, sweet, almost like a Napoleon Dynamite feeling.

Man that was super suet!

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