Definder - what does the word mean?

What is snoot's?

A canines snout.

"Hey your dog has a mega snoot."
"Yeah, but Katelyns dog is Snoot Master."

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snoot's - meme gif

snoot's meme gif

snoot's - video


Snoot's - what is it?

Snot, nose mucus.

Go get a tissue, and wipe that snoot from your nose.

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What does "snoot's" mean?

Fully snorting a shot of strong spirit (preferably captain morgan's) to obtain that heavenly nasal buzz.

Waking up to a bowl of Special K and a fat snoot is a great way to start the day.

- Man: "Im knackered dude.."
Snooter: "You should probably get snooting then!"

- "Cant drink the rest of your Morgan's spiced? No problem, just snoot it"

- Snoot Nazi: "no snoot for you!"

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Snoot's - what does it mean?

Snoot has many definitions usually used in European areas. It can mean (snob) , (man stealer) or a generally sneaky person who you cannot trust and is very two faced.

She commented on my boyfriends post. What a snoot!

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Snoot's - meaning

Doggos nose, great for booping

Look how cute that dog's snoot is!

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Snoot's - definition

The definition of snooted is if you sneeze and toot at the same time!

*sneezes and toots* oh I just snooted excuse me!

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Snoot's - slang

a sufficient amount of liquor to cause intoxication.

I saw my neighbor at the bar last night, he had a snootful.

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Doggies' noses

I often tell my dog "I've got your snoots!" while I hold onto his nose with my hand.

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A nose or other boopable extremety, generally exaggerated to excentuate smolness.

The snoot is primed for booping. I shall boop the snoot.

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an animals or persons nose

Look at that bunny's snoot snoot!!
Hippos have big snoot snoots.

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