Definder - what does the word mean?

What is smootie?

to vigorously kiss the neck and up behind the ear to give your partner a giggle and good chills

i gave my woman smooties and she couldnt help but wiggle around

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smootie - meme gif

smootie meme gif

smootie - video


Smootie - what is it?

A toxic drink using only the most exclusive items for example a shoe. It’s texture is similar to ice cream.

i just made a bussin bussin smootie but the problem is it was so thick because of all the ingredients and broke the machine.

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What does "smootie" mean?

Also know as an iron.

My shirt's wrinkled. Let me borrow your smooty so I look fresh so I can get some stank latter.

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Smootie - what does it mean?

Sounds like a disease

"What's wrong with him?"
"Oh, he has smootie"
"Holy crap that sucks"

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Smootie - meaning

A combination of the words small and booty, used to describe a girl with small butt.

"Damn that bitch got a smooty!"

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Smootie - definition

this person could be or all:
1. gorgeous
2. pretty
3. beautiful
4. cute
5. attractive
and can make u :
1. flip
2. crazy
3. nutty
4. pass out
5. drool

background from Crawley london, from a nice girl's nick name.

you are so smooty

that girl is looking smooty

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Smootie - slang

1. a fart (pootie) that leaves a smear on your underwear.

Sorry I left early - I had a smootie after eating that Indian Food and had to change my drawers.

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a code name for a really hot guy

That guy is so cute!

I know, he's a smootie.

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A smoothie, but misspelled.

I had a smootie for breakfast.

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another name for a slutty person.

that girl Diana is such a smootie.

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