Definder - what does the word mean?

What is slunking?

A. Past-participle of Slink, a verb meaning, "to move in a sneaky manner".
B. A slutty/seductive hominid female. So called because such females have a tendency to "slink" into the pants of hominid males.
C. A species of creature commonly connected to avant-garde musician Brian Carrol, alias "Buckethead". It is speculated that the slunk may be an odd cross between an Aardvark and a Chicken, though how this phenomenon of breeding came to be is unknown. Another theory suggests that the slunks may be homicidal robots.

I slunk about the corner. (A)

Watch out for that slunk. She's jailbait from head to toe. (B)

Look at that! A slunk! Do you know how lucky we are to have seen one of them? (C)

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slunking - meme gif

slunking meme gif

slunking - video


Slunking - what is it?

The act of sledding while drunk.

Friend 1: Snowday today! what should we do?

Friend 2: Let's go slunking.

Friend 1: Hell yeah

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What does "slunking" mean?

1. when you're so tired from working that only one beer gives you a buzz.

2. working so long that you have a buzz for no reason.

Alex was so slunk, his beer wasn't even open yet and he couldn't walk straight.

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Slunking - what does it mean?


WOW!! That was a massive slunk!

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Slunking - meaning

Slunks are underage calves trailing afterbirths and bacteria, generally in unsanitary and unfit condition. A calf may not be sold as food until it reaches a minimum age of six weeks. Prior to that time it is classified as a slunk.

Slunk trafficking is subject to a heavy penalty.

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Slunking - definition

The act of sliding down a chair until you're laying down with your butt hanging off.

He enjoyed slunking in his chair. She slunked so hard she fell out of her chair.

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Slunking - slang

A chunky person who smells like body odor and is wildly promiscuous.

What is that slunk thinking? She looks horrible in a bikini. Did you smell her yet?

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The feeling when you are extremely tired and start acting drunk

Yo Dave I so slunked right now

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The sport of jumping into a ditch of water or snow, being awarded points on distance, height, and style of jump.

The slunking competition was going well.

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To hesitate or put off doing something you should do.

You need to stop slunking with that situation!!

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