Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sizzlered?

When you go to Sizzler really drunk.

Donna threw up in the buffet, she was totally sizzlered.

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Sizzlered - what is it?

a day during which the weather is excessively hot

It's going to be another 90 degree sizzler today.

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What does "sizzlered" mean?

When you promise your significant other a meal at Ruth's Chris steakhouse in exchange for anal but take take them to sizzler instead.

Eve: Adam promised me dinner at Ruth's Chris if I let him fuck me in the ass but that motherfucker took me to all you can eat shrimp at the Sizzler instead

Moses: can I get Adam's number?

👍37 👎17

Sizzlered - what does it mean?

Noun: The act of placing the famous candy, Pop Rocks in a women's vagina after she has become wet.

-"Dude! I was doing my girlfriend and eating pop rocks at the same time, and when i was finished, she was so wet that I decided to pour some in her vagina!"
-"Man!! Thats called the sizzler!"

👍49 👎29

Sizzlered - meaning

The sexual act in the doggy style possition that consists of the male partner wearing a condom (this is a must), when the man is about to climax he Tazzes (electically shocks) the partner, the result is that the partners orifice clinches for and extra special ending.

The Sizzler doggy style
The Sizzler anal
The Sizzler sex
The Sizzler happy ending
The Sizzler Tazzer

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Sizzlered - definition

a bowel movement dropped on very hot asphalt or concrete usually in the summer.

The dog dropped a sizzler outside by the air conditioner.

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Sizzlered - slang

A US restaurant chain known for its steaks and seafood.

"- So yeah, we shower it up, and then wherever the town is, we go find a Sizzler or whatever-- Me, Lana, you and tv's Michael Gray, double-date-- And the flrrp-- get shitty on rib eyes and scotch."
"- Mmmkay."
Archer, season 6, ep.13

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An term used to make fun of or insult redheads/gingers.

She's such a sizzler, don't talk to her.

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The sexual act that involves the female putting a packet of pop rocks in her mouth, and proceeding to give oral sex to a male. This results in a great tingling sensation that can be very arousing on the male's penis.

instead of a traditional blowjob, I decided to spice things up and opened a packet of pop rocks, suggesting a sizzler.

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n. The end result of locking one's child in a car on a hot day and forgetting about it. Usually refered to as "little sizzler" or "li'l sizzler."

I just read about some moo and duhd that forgot their sprog in the SUV. Seems like you read about one little sizzler per day during the summer.

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