Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shiternets?

Someone with shitty internet

Bro, why do u have shiternet. He’s lagging so much

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shiternets - video


Shiternets - what is it?

Incredibly shitty internets. Like trying to play an MMORPG over Dial-Up. Yeah, that bad.

Holy fuck, these shiternets suck. My torrent is getting like, 2 kbps. Fuck this. I might as well tether from my iPhone. My FIRST GEN iPhone.

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What does "shiternets" mean?

Internet that is slow as trying to shit when you're constipated.

Damn my shiternet is slower than my data.

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Shiternets - what does it mean?

Internet service that is below 2mps

Paul - "Did you watch Game of Thrones last night"
Dave - "No, it kept glitching because of my Shiternet!"

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Shiternets - meaning

this is when you have wireless internet and take a crap while having a laptop in your lap that is connected to the internet. developed while actually shiterneting

dude last week i took this shit and i was talking to my girlfriend online at the same time. i totally shiterneted

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Shiternets - definition

When the quality of ones internet connection is terribad.

Person 1: Why you got so much lag today...

Person 2: It's my Shiternet

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Shiternets - slang

A crappy internet connection, slow, bad, faulty, inconsistent, etc.

Man that guy keeps disconnecting and has such slow downloads, the shiternet is obviously there

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a type of internet that will make your nose hair go on fire, it matches the all mighty shitty koy hotbox computer. it's basically a bad internet. made by the famous and most gorgeous man on planet earth. GIR OF THE GOKU! fucking end it this is our existence

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Shiternet is bad

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When you have the shittiest internet possible

Matt: Why is it taking so long to download this damn file
Jerry: Sorry man, I have shiternet.
Matt: Oh, right.

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Really bad or slow internet.

That guy has Shiternet or His Shiternet made him lose the game.

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