Definder - what does the word mean?

What is THE GOKU?

Star of DBZ. Not exactly the brightest light on the Christmas tree, but he can fight and eat like no one's business! He married ChiChi and had Gohan and Goten by her, and is almost always the one to save the day, even if he's practically dead. Vegeta always wants to fight him, but he always loses.

For those who aren't that bright, Goku is pronounced Goh-koo.

👍639 👎275

THE GOKU - video


THE GOKU - what is it?

The master shit

Goku is the master shit.

👍71 👎23

What does "THE GOKU" mean?

(also known as kakarot)
wife:chi chi, father in law:ox king, sons: gohan, goten, daughter in law:videl (see devil), granddaughter:pan
expressions:clueless, happy, pissed
temperment:happy, loving, hungry
(goku may seem a little dim, but he's alot smarter than he lets on)
loves:food, everyone who isn't evil personified, food, fighting, food
distinguishing features:spiky hair, tail, 'that son grin' ^_^
goku is hated by: villans, vegeta. and jealous little boys :P
goku is loved by:everyone else

see monkey, do monkey ;D

👍1249 👎527

THE GOKU - what does it mean?

Guy that pwns Vegeta sorry ass all the time.

-Vegeta: I have to be stronger than you! you can't be stronger than me! bla blah blah...

-*Goku yawns*

-*Vegeta dies*

👍237 👎81

THE GOKU - meaning

To power up like a saiyan goku while forcing out a poop.

"Dude I'm so backed up right now, so I think I will go goku."

👍75 👎21

THE GOKU - definition

noun, verb, adjective, s(m)ex

1. Having a huge appetite
2. Being extremely Loyal
3. having qualities of extreme cuteness

There was a little boy that came into work and his features and attitude just SCREAMED Goku

👍243 👎63

THE GOKU - slang

A character who all people want to be like. Ability to transform into every type of Super Saiyan. Strongest character ever thought up. Most awesome guy ever in the history of anime and manga. Main protagonist of DB/Z/GT. Also puts a whole new definition on masculinity, in league with Captain Falcon, Chuck Norris, Tenga Toppan Gurren Laggan Attacks, and of course other DBZ characters

Goku is so awesome, I want to get buff too

👍593 👎155


Goku is a Saiyan and the star of the Animes "Dragon Ball", "Dragon Ball Z", and "Dragon Ball: GT" No matter how many times he is killed, in the end, everyone else proves useless and he has to save the day. In fact, from day one, the writer of the Dragon Ball Manga made a rule that in the end Goku magically comes back to life (usually bending some rule that's already in place) and saves the day. He is known for his extreme transformations into a Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, and the Over-powered Super Saiyan 4. He also is remembered by his trademark "Kamehameha" wave, and his huge appetite.

Oh, and his power level is over 9000.

"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his (Goku's) power level?" - Nappa
"It's over 9000!!!" - Vegeta

Vegeta and Nappa's conversation in relation to Goku's rising power level.

"Goku hath power level over 9000"

👍355 👎65


A character on the popular anime DB, DBZ and DBGT. Not the brightest star in the sky but can kick the shiz out of just about anyone. And if not, he can eat you due to his freakishly huge appetite.

Goku just kicked Vegeta's butt...again.

👍4615 👎771


Hey its me Goku

Hey its me Goku

👍825 👎47