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What is shake that Ass?

On December 1st it’s national shake ass on ft day, so get u a baddie to shake ass for u on ft.

“I’ma tell Nicole that it’s National shake ass on ft day so I can enjoy tonight”

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shake that Ass - video


Shake that Ass - what is it?

When your home boy looking so good so you just gotta ask him to twerk for the one time

Friend 1: "Yo what's up bro"

Friend 2: "Shake your big ass"

Friend 1: "Okay daddy"

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What does "shake that Ass" mean?

Shake dat ass time or SDAT is when it’s time for all the girls to shake they ass. If you ain’t shaking that ass then you better get to steppin.

Dudes: Yo, it’s shake dat ass time!
DJ: *plays back that ass up by juvenile *

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Shake that Ass - what does it mean?

A compelling phrased used upon women with a large mass of BUNDA.

"Shut up and shake ass"

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Shake that Ass - meaning

A very popular toast when things are looking good or everyone is having a good time.

Here's to Clinking Glasses and Shaking Asses - after 8 hours of wine tasting in Napa, EVERYONE was having a good time...

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Shake that Ass - definition

when a female needs a favor, she can (literally or figuratively) shake a little ass. this means she can offer herself or something else of interest in exchange for this favor.

Aesha: damn, Tasha i really wanna go to the movies but i need a ride...

Tasha: damn, you better shake a little ass!

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Shake that Ass - slang

v. to leave, be on your way.

you: are you ready to go?

me: let's shake ass.

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Shake that Ass

slang for “laughing hard in my bed” used mostly in the comment section of instagram lives past midnight

“you deadass got me shaking my ass right now.”

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Shake that Ass

1.To 'Shake' Ones Bum
2.To rotate the pelvis area up and down while dancing

1. Damn! She can shake that Ass!
2. Look at her Shake that ass!

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Shake that Ass

-a great thing to yell out loud
-dancing style

SHAKE THAT ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She be shakin' that ass

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