Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shabab?

When you forget what you were just about to say

Guy1: Shabab uhhhhhhhhhh
Guy2: yes?

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Shabab - what is it?

"/shab-ab ta-g(j)a-mΓΆa/" An adjective used to describe when people (especially men) are uniquely sarsageya (chav guys in Egypt). People avoid shabab tagamoa in Egypt.

"Fire Yasta"
"Man are you from Shabab Tagamo3???"

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What does "shabab" mean?

A hot tall brown boy who is smart and cool.

"Hey, is that Shabab?"

"Oh yeah it is, he's so cool"

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Shabab - what does it mean?

A cool and awesome guy who is also really smart and cool and funny and awesome

Y'all know this party gonna be lit coz shabab is coming!

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Shabab - meaning

A cocky person, usually of a small stature and of the Muslim faith.

Guy 1-Hey Shababes!
Guy 2-You're an asshole!

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Shabab - definition

used for an individual who is attracted to minors and men
most commonly seen as a proffesional pedophile

your such a shabab!

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Shabab - slang

Used in Berlin, means something like ''dikka'' or ''digga'' or just bro

Ey shabab was geht ab?

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Arabic word meaning
1. age period between 20 to 40 years of age (prime youth)
2. leader like "shabab ahl-e-jannat" meaning leaders in heaven.

"shabab ahl-e-jannat" meaning leaders in heaven.

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