Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sarri?

when one speaks in a low grumbling tone, like they are some sort of hard stoner.

Simon Barry - " Who took the hottest bitch?"

👍35 👎45

sarri - meme gif

sarri meme gif

sarri - video


Sarri - what is it?

She's the one you call for help; whether burying a body, or passing you a tampon & hand sanitizer. Sarri has your back. She carries a Mary Poppins bag & will dump it out on your floor when she can't find what she, or you, needs. She's tough on the outside but squishy as a warm gummie bear inside... Unless you Fuck with her, in that case she's more like a sour patch kid, in that she will definitely slash your tires & set your shit on fire before she forgives you. She likes 17 1/2 lemons in her vodka tonics. Amen.

Oh shit, Time to call Sarri...

👍29 👎15

What does "sarri" mean?

From Pays Vasque in SW of France.
Translation: Ground with low and wild vegetation.

I have nor samples

👍43 👎45

Sarri - what does it mean?

Son of a person named Gary

David O'Hagans mother Debbie is with Gary, making David a sarry.

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Sarri - meaning

Sarri is a hansome male he is lovable and kind he is also cute but he lives a really hard life

That guy looks like sarri he is hot

👍25 👎11

Sarri - definition

Sarri is a very lovable person he is cute but looks like a girl and has a girl name

Hey is that a sarri gender

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Sarri - slang

The name of a reptile humanoid alien from the movie GalaxyQuest. He demands the Omega-13 device from the Thermians, a naive alien group disguised as humans.

Tim Allen shot Sarris to death in front of a GalaxyQuest convention! Right on!

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a modern name for a playboy.
some one who is very flirtacious.

Bruv you see that guy, so Sarry man, always with a girl in his arm

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An insincere apology dripping with sarcasm. If it were a sincere apology one would have said, "Sorry."

"Dude, Sarry I ate the last piece of pizza."

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A caring, playful, loving, hard working, no-nonsense kind of woman. She will give the shirt off her back to someone in need but she doesn't suffer fools. Children gravitate towards her because they sense the child still alive within her. She is who she is and makes no apologies for it.

Yes, that was Sarrie dancing about with a shower cap on her head!

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