Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sanched?

Under anal intercourse, put your finger up her anus, then draw your finger over her upper lip, giving her a brown stripe resembling a mexican revolutionist mustache. Thus "Dirty Sanches"

I gave her a DIRTY SANCES yesterday, and she started a revolution on me!

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Sanched - what is it?

How to misspell dirty sanchez

This guy spelled gets a dirty sanchez because he spelled it dirty sanches

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What does "sanched" mean?

Abbreviation of 'dirty sanchez'.

Fancy a quick sanch, darlin'?

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Sanched - what does it mean?

my favorite marco, aka sancho

sanch, you are my favorite.

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Sanched - meaning

sexy, skinny hott @$$ punjabi laarki wit da ghettoist booty ive eva seen

man: wow. shes hott who is she
women: god wth yo prob..shes sanch

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Sanched - definition

Someone who is usually Mexican, and very much related to a gringo. They are usually very dirty and overall young. A sanch has a very small moustache, with very short mustache hairs. (Can also be called a Dirty Sanch.)

Wow, look at how greasy Roberto's mustache, he's a sanch!

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Sanched - slang

The "sanch" is commonly known as the region located between the testicles and rectum. Also known as the taint, or gooch. There have also been many sanch groups discovered. There are sanch ticklers, sanch munchers, sanch punchers, sanch lickers, and of course the sanch slappers.

Hey Joe! You are a real sanch tickler you know that?

Listen, if you back talk me again, I'm going to punch you right in the sanch.

I met this chick at the bar last night, boy was she a sanch licker.

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UH OH, OH OH, I SANCHED!! GUESS WHAT I SANCHED! When Billy pulls up his pants in the locker room, everyone sanches

I sanched on a branch with ranch in my panch

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Not a direct reference to race or ethnicity, sanch describes an individual’s persona, actions, and overall way of life. Sanch often refers to a person lacking morals, or one who acts in a way not characteristic of socially accepted values and or actions.

I was at this classy party the other night, when I heard someone say, " That felt like a d!#k just touched my leg." When I glaced up to see what was happening, I saw Brian's naked Scottish frame nude, glimmering in the light. I don't think he was even drunk, what a guy, what a sanch.

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Similar to Munsoned, but the Sanch version. When you think you have the world in your hand, only to see an epic collapse. Some see it as bad luck, but people who get Sanched are perennial losers with every opportunity possible. Eventually the Sanch's lack of morals and values catch up to him and leave him wondering what the hell just happened.

Guy #1: Hey what happened to the Sanch last night? I saw him leave the club with a hot girl and he gave me a thumbs up on the way out.

Guy #2: Bro he dropped a shitload of money on her and she asked him to drop her off at her ex-boyfriends house.

Guy #1: Damn, he got Sanched in the middle of nowhere.

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