Definder - what does the word mean?

What is panch?

a HARDDDD pinch that involves twisting the skin at a 180 degree angle

"hey lemme panch you, fucker"

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panch - meme gif

panch meme gif

panch - video


Panch - what is it?

To give someone a donkey punch and it makes them queef.

Dankey panch , donkey punch , queef

👍27 👎13

What does "panch" mean?

Similar to punch, except it must be performed by someone possessing great power, such as a viking or ÜSKÜDAR.
In addition, a panch must either split the panchee in half lengthways, or cause the panchee to explode.

Collin: I'm listening to Kashmir right now.
Jami: oooh, i like that song :P
Collin: Who doesn't?
Jami: My sister.
Collin o_____0 She must be panched.
Jami: Mos def.

Brian: I panch you!
{Gory explosion noise}

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Panch - what does it mean?

n, adj
1) used to describe anything that tastes good with pineapples
2) a part of the body on a man that tastes good with pineapples typically thighs
Origin: Late Middle English (denoting a pine cone)

Tim: You know Betty, this salad is good with apples, but it's panches so you might want to toss that salad with pineapples.

Betty: Speaking of panches, I poured pineapple juice all over Norbert's hot creamy panches, and panches they were, for it was delicious but I got a desert sam while I was down there.

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Panch - meaning

Short for Panchero's, it's the most badass Mexican restaurant on the face of the planet. Super fresh tortillas will make your head spin, and the smell of fresh guacamole might induce an orgasm. Warning though: overexposure to Panch will lead to a physical dependency and or addiction similar to that of crack cocaine or pornography.

1. "Dude you wanna get some Panch later?"

"Man, I've already had panch for lunch. Fuck it let's get some panch."

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Panch - definition

Another word for Pussy. Created to be used in mixed company without detection.
Can also be pronounced "pain-ch" in which case all rhyming words should also be thusly pernounced "rain-ch"

Check out that chick's panch.
Fun to say repetitively and to rhyme.
"Pa-pa-pa-panch pa-panch panch panch"
"Panch with Ranch"

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Panch - slang

A shortened name for "Pantry"

"what are you doing?"
"lookin' for some food in the panch, what else?"

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A term on endearment used to describe females. It is used in the same way girls call each other bitch, slut or ho, but with no degrading connotations.

A panch can be a girl who is very funny, or very annoying, or very sweet, or anything else.

A term of friendship and endearment used from one girl to describe another girl.

Look at Megan, what a little panch.

Hilorie you look so cute today, you panch.

Cassidy is breaking up with Brian today, what a panch.

Hey panch face! love you!

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A punch with a twist of confidence and smug revelry.

Alternatives include paaanch or paaaaaaaaaaaanch depending of the level of accentuation required.

"This monkey was jiving me so I fixed his wagon with a panch"

"Man, I'm so sorry for denting your schvinkenvankan." "Paaaaaaanch!"

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can be used to describe any female, a nice synonym for bitch, slut, ho.

often used between best friends in combination with the word sexy or hot, but can be used with other adjectives as well.

Ask him out, you sexy panch!

Your my number one panch.
Brooklyn is such a panch.
i have panch tattooed on my arm.

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