Definder - what does the word mean?

What is raq?

Pronounced (Rock Hit) This phrase describes when someone takes a small hit and laughs or coughs before they can suck it into their lungs. First time smokers often experience raq hits.

Nah he only took a raq hit.

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raq - meme gif

raq meme gif

raq - video


Raq - what is it?

a small jewish/hispanic bundle of fun. Quite the personality, but be cautious because she bites.........

raq zity may be flirty during the day but she's freaky at night

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What does "raq" mean?

The proper Arabic word for bellydance, which translates to "eastern dance".

She studied raqs sharqi while living in Cairo.

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Raq - what does it mean?

A real nigga that’s rare

β€œDamn that’s Raq”

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Raq - meaning

Usually referred to when speaking of Chicago, in other terms you'll hear "Chi-raq" which refers to the violence of the city similar to the middle eastern nation Iraq which is known for it's association with death. Many popular rappers like Lil Durk, King Von, and G Herbo all use the term Chi-Raq and are generally from the area.

Person 1: I'm tryna make it out the Raq, they blew my cousin last week

Person 2: Damn me too

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Raq - definition

Chicago. Shortened form of β€œChi-Raq”. Used when referring to the violence in the city.

Damn. 15 people got jumped in the raq last night

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Raq - slang

Rarely Asked Question

Here is a RAQ list.

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a stupid pun or cringey saying

Hey bro, which country raqed? I dunno which one IRAQ HAHAHAHAHAHA

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range rover jeep popular in UAE by rich people

pull up in the raq

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range rover jeep popular in Abu-Dhabi and driven by rich sheikhs

pull up in the raq

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