Definder - what does the word mean?

What is queerio?

A homosexual gardening male with any second name that rhymes with queer, like steer. Known by ones gardening friends as "the Queerio"

Generally, a queerio consists of a small build, curley hair, and in tradition, will undergo a sex change operation around the age of 16. Queerios only ever drink water, and do not possess some of the normal skills other humans have, such as the ability to ride a bike.

Queerios are not to be mistaken with the cereal "cheerios"

Hey, look at that guys curley hair! whats his name again?
tom steer...
wow, what a queerio.

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queerio - video


Queerio - what is it?

eating cheerios while getting a blowjob from another man

i walke in on my dad and another dude eating some queerios tis morning. it was fucking disgusting. i shoved the spoon so far up my dads ass that it came out of his mouth and then i repeated that untill he started beating me with the paddle so i stopped and killed myseflf because i saw my dad get some queerios

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What does "queerio" mean?

homosexuals, specifically the characters in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"It's Queerios! Just add milk and they eat each other!"

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Queerio - what does it mean?

The cereal that starts your day off right- homosexually!

After I finish this bowl of queerios, I'm off to have some vigorous anal sex!

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Queerio - meaning

Someone that you have an urge to throw cheerios at. There are many types of queerios, and for each one you want to throw a different type of cheerio at.

"That_queerio! We should throw cheerios_at_her!!!!!!!!"

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Queerio - definition

the breakfast of gays.

"Queerios; they're more than good; THEY'RE GAY!!"

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Queerio - slang

A sod, fag, gay boy. Pejorative, in a jaunty sort of way.

The waiters at that joint are a bunch of queerios.

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synonym for queer.
1.A strange, or not normal person
2.A rounded out term for gay, lesbian, bisexual, ect.

1. Wow that new guy is a queerio.
2. Dave, im pretty sure thats a queerio bar.

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A gay furry or odd gay. You know who they are when you see them. They often like the bad BTS. They travel in groups... eat lunch with teachers. They are tots gros!!

Person 1 : Dude, look at those weirdos?
Person 2: Bro, those are the queerios .

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How to say goodbye to a homosexual British guy

Queerio, see you next time at Big Ben's!

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