Definder - what does the word mean?

What is quang?

a hardcore gamer - particularly an action-rpg called path of exile :sunglasses:

I like PoE so Im a Quang

👍25 👎13

quang - meme gif

quang meme gif

quang - video


Quang - what is it?

The best person ever to exist. He is completely flawless, 100% good. He is 100% trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. He meets the characteristics to be beyond "perfect". He is the most amazing person ever. He is way better than any other thing. He is a legendary legend. He is dominant compared to every single thing there ever was. *Note: This is the original and actual meaning of Quang*

Quang defines every single thing that is supreme. *Note: This is the original and actual meaning of Quang*

👍205 👎49

What does "quang" mean?

an absolute pimp who gets all the bitches

girl 1: omg that guys hoooot
girl 2: yeh, thats quang, hes pimping

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Quang - what does it mean?

The act of fucking up so bad no one can explain how it actually happened. Most commonly happens while playing video games.

"Boy, I really am quanging my League of Legends games tonight."

"Wow, you sure quanged that last play."

👍25 👎11

Quang - meaning

the female reproductive organ, aka. the vagina.

Dude this girl last night had such a swollen quang.

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Quang - definition

such a gay fag who joined the army.. noone wants to be like him.

quang loves the cack..

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Quang - slang

a womans vagina

hey nice quang... for a girl!?

👍57 👎145


one word defines all quangs.
homo homo homo homo homo homo

they do it up the butt

👍97 👎355


a person that love blowjobs, also dates mexicans

quang is a fucking retard dating girls outta his league what a dumbass

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a sexy beast. owns everybody else in counter-strike. nobody can handle him in bed, he is just a monster.

Man i wish i was a quang

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