Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pure vanilla cookie?

He's a healer, He's and ancient hero, and he is NOT THE FATHER OF CUSTARD III, and he liked white lily cookie

Pure vanilla cookie still has feelings for white lily cookie

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pure vanilla cookie - video


Pure vanilla cookie - what is it?

Pure Vanilla cookie is used to describe someone who is amazing, beautiful, majestic, perfect. I have an unhealthy obsession with him he consumes my thoughts the only thing I can think about is him. I talk to him in game like he’s a real person and his backstory makes me cry.

(My Tiktok is apurevanillamybelovedd BY THE WAY)

Pure Vanilla Cookie is hot I love him so much.

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What does "pure vanilla cookie" mean?

the best cookie ever he is so hot he could take me from behind and mess me up omg..

pure vanilla cookie hot

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Pure vanilla cookie - what does it mean?

pure vanilla cookie is hot


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Pure vanilla cookie - meaning

He left custard at home for milk, also is a literal god, and I want him to heal more than just my wounds(if ykyk)

Update on custard: he is a king and still has not seen pure vanilla cookie till this day

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Pure vanilla cookie - definition

love of my life

pure vanilla cookie>you

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