Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pneumatics?

a 'pnuematic turd' occurs when one farts in such a way as to trap the gaseous noxious mix inside one's rectum, thus creating an air pocket in one's rectum, mimicing the feeling of turding one's self.

"Oh man, I thought I just crapped my pants, but I only had a pneumatic turd. Thank God, because I do not have a change of underroos with me."

👍41 👎15

pneumatics - meme gif

pneumatics meme gif

pneumatics - video


Pneumatics - what is it?

When two lesbians fart while scissoring eachother.

Me: "What the hell is that noise? And what is that smell?"
Ale: "Oh, that is just two chicks doing some hot pneumatic scissoring in the other room"

👍47 👎15

What does "pneumatics" mean?

When you fart in your office chair, then lower the chair to be able to sniff the fart faster

I ripped this epic bomb in my office, which was definitely worthy of a pneumatic sniff, so I lowered my chair to inhale my bean cloud closer to the source.

👍25 👎11

Pneumatics - what does it mean?

A nickname for annoying small, yapping dogs who never seems to run out of air, energy or sound.

Those wild and crazy pneumatic barktoys densely populate our entire otherwise wonderful seaside town, wall to wall; everybody seems to have ‘em!

👍51 👎13

Pneumatics - meaning

The word you know how to spell because you watched "Neither a Borrower Nor a Speller Bee" (The Suite Life of Zack and Cody: Season 2, Episode 12) so much.

"Pneumatic. P-N-E-U-M-A-T-I-C."

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Pneumatics - definition

A way publishers used to describe women as busty.

Guy 1: look at her walk
Guy 2: yea, she's very pneumatic

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Pneumatics - slang

A clever way to call someone an airhead (playing off the traditional meaning of pneumatic, which is, "pertaining to or filled with air.") Usually used in reference to women who are bubbly and nice, but dumb as a box of rocks.

Girl 1: That girl is such an idiot--she probably can't remember how to spell her own name.
Girl 2: Be nice, she's just a little....pneumatic.

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The notion of padded comfort that feels like an air-cushion; can also be used to describe to a woman's body (favorably).

"It's more like a caffeine-solution party than a trial," he said, and let himself fall into the most luxurious of the pneumatic arm-chairs. (Brave New World, Chapter 16)

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In the novel "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, the word 'pneumatic' was used to describe the sensation of sex with the main female character Lenina. In this context it means well rounded, or bouncy, in reference to her breasts and her body.

Lenina is quite pneumatic.... *pats Lenina's leg*

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Pneumatics utilizes the same theories that hydraulics do, but instead of using oil, it uses compressed air to propel its movements. As of late pnematics has been an increasingly popular in implementation with various eastern european forms of bondage - ask your nearest kinky (sexually starved) engineering student about it.

Person (who finds great delight in pointing out the rather obvious) A: Woah! Check out that super-awesome brakes on that truck/train!

Person (who recites basic knowledge available to the general public through the uses of Wikipedia) B: Oh yea - that's an example of pneumatics at work.

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