Definder - what does the word mean?

What is play pussy?

What you do if you are having sex

I was pussy playing with my wife last night.

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play pussy - video


Play pussy - what is it?

Where several guys see how many dicks you can put in a girl.

We are doing some pussy play and we need two dicks for each nostril

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What does "play pussy" mean?

is a trick ass bitch that men use for sex only.

You are not worth nothing you trick ass pussy.

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Play pussy - what does it mean?

To take as a joke.

To treat someone as though they are weak.

β€œShe really tried to play me pussy. Like I won’t beat her ass.”

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Play pussy - meaning

it means someone is acting pussy or being a bitch so they playing pussy pussies get fucked so they gonna get fucked up so play pussy and get fucked

girl: you a bitch ass nigga
boy: ighh nie bitch play pussy and get fucked

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Play pussy - definition

Behaving in a irresponsible manner which results in you suffering some type of misfortune.

Your fucking with the wrong dude keep playing pussy and you will get fucked.

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Play pussy - slang

The act of telling a girl over the internet (usually on a social networking site) that she's beautiful and you really like her, when in truth you're just shooting at a chance to get some ass. Mostly performed by men who are bored and could really go for some snatch.

Taylor - "Hey man, what are you doing tonight?"

Robbie - "I don't have much planned... I just got friend requests from a few good looking scene bitches, so it looks like I'm going to be playing pussy for the next few hours."

Taylor - "Sounds good man, I may do the same."

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Play pussy

A term coined by the rapper Lil Wayne to signify being half-hearted and not going "hard to the fullest". Made popular in his song 'Playin’ With Fire'.

Don't play pussy with me you little ****.

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Play pussy

Half hearted, not hard, fake gangsta, not real
NOT COINED BY LIL WAYNE. Play pussy was used as early as 1992 (16 years before the carter III!!!!) by Scarface on "Two to the Head (feat. Scarface, bushwick bill, and ice cube" by Kool G Rap and Dj Polo. one of the hardest gangsta rap songs ever.

PS, listen to real hip hop

So feel me, drill me, put a bullet in my head
But yo, you can't kill me cuz I'm already dead
Scarface going psycho yeah
Play pussy get fucked and take two to your head

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