Definder - what does the word mean?

What is p.b's?

Paper bag.

"Man she is so fugly I wouldn't even P.B that bitch!"

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p.b's - meme gif

p.b's meme gif

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P.b's - what is it?

When one homosexual man eats the shitty asshole of another homosexual man, and at his displeasure punches him in the nose.

Justin has a hot date last night, which ended in a P.B & Gay.

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What does "p.b's" mean?

While a man is engaging in sexual intercourse with a female who is in a 69 with another female and when the male is about to ejaculate he pulls out and the other girl gives him a BJ and swallows/ receives a facial.

aka P B n Jay

past tense P B n Jayed

Andrew: Hey Emanuel, I P.B n Jayed some hos last night.

Emanuel: Dude me too...

Andrew: Nice

Emanuel: Indeed

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P.b's - what does it mean?

Guy who has a girlfriend but likes her lesbian best friend more.

Man look at that P.B Pilcher, he's totally hitting on that lesbian

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P.b's - meaning

Pregnancy Brain

She has what we call P.B.

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P.b's - definition

P.B to mean 'polish baps'
i.e a girl of polish descent who has massive tits

'look at that "P.B" over there'

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P.b's - slang

an acronym that stand for penis butt,call gay people this

Beau:im gay
Denny:you name is now forever penis butt
Corey:how about just P.B.
Denny:perfect,you are the smartest redneck,southern,republican,george bush worshiping,retard ive ever met

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Psycho btch the type that key your car slash your tires throws sht at you and puts your asz in jail😂

Watch it bro...she might be a P.B already be slammin your doors and sht..

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peanut butter

let's eat some p.b. for breakfast!

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1. acronym for Perv Boy or Pervert Boy
-a term you use on a sincere sweet man but you realize that he's also a closet horny, playful, naughty dude.

2. also stands for Pretty Boy
-handsome, attractive, smart, hott, cute guy

3. definitions of 1 and 2 combined

1. Aisha: "Aiyy Brian! You're bad, but I love you because you're my P.B.!"
Brian: "Yea, I know you like it! hehe because I'm you're P.B.! I love you, Aisha, you're my P.G.!"
(for the meaning of P.G., please look up P.G. in the urbandictionary).

2. Wabbit: "bBoy is a P.B.! Grrr, I love his belly.. He's hott!!!"

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