Definder - what does the word mean?

What is non-friend?

Lovely person who is not judgemental or deceptive. An inspiration to us all. comment

👍57 👎57

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Non-friend - what is it?

Non-Threatening Gay Friend is akin to a Gay Buddy, sometimes shortened to NTGF. A girl has no qualms about being around a Non-Threatening Gay Friend; he is, after all, non-threatening.

"Man, Jack's been hanging with Emily all night! Is he coming onto her?"
"No, he's just her Non-Threatening Gay Friend. They're discussing prom dresses."

👍31 👎11

What does "non-friend" mean?

(NGGF) A friend who is not gay, but acts like the gay friend that every girl wants. He goes for coffee with you, sits and listens intently to all of your problems for hours on end (especially guy problems). He offers advice from a guy's perspective and tries to make sense of the way guys' minds work. He is the ultimate guy friend who will always be there for you. Because they are not gay, it is possible to hook up with NGGFs, but it complicates things because you are simply such good friends and know absoluetly every detail about each other's sexual lives. You should however reserve these guys as a back-up plan if you don't get married by the age of...say 40. NGGFs are so much fun to be around. They also tend to be very good looking, but unfortunately, they are quite rare.

I met my non-gay-gay-friend at starbucks yesterday. We chatted for 3 hours then went for a walk in a ravine.

👍109 👎25

Non-friend - what does it mean?

This is the true wingman. The friend in your group who does not discriminate against anyone of the oppisite sex. They will hook up with the fugliest of fugly. The next day when you talk to them, after going out, they never talk about themselves they only want to make sure you hooked up! You can use " DNDF" to shorten it up.

Joe will help you hook up, he is our designated non-discriminatory friend. Last night, he hit a whale just so I could get with her friend! He is a true DNDF!!

👍81 👎27

Non-friend - meaning

1: A guy friend, usually semi-attractive, who acts as a friend and wingman for his friend who is trying to pick up an extremely attractive girl who is being blocked by her DUFF. This man is not afraid to sleep with a three hundred pound gorilla, and is a vital asset to his friend who is attempting to get with the hot girl.

2: The ultimate counter to the big fat friend

The Non-Discriminating friend's motto: So what if you're a cow? I'll nail you anyhow.

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Non-friend - definition

A relationship which has either a romantic or sexual component, or both.

They have become non-platonic friends.

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Non-friend - slang

what happens when a person treats everyone the same, they love them, care for them and die for them. in return the ppl they friend treat you the same, like shit.

he was considered non-friended because he would die to keep them happy and they would kill him because their bored

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someone you are no longer friends with but not quite enemies enough for nemesis or frienemy to be the right word to describe them when people bring them up to you in conversation without using their name.

mutual friend: "I was just talking to your nemesis..."
you: "I prefer the term 'non friend', nemesis suggests I'm taking part in some active hate again them, when I honestly don't care anymore."

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A person who you secretly adore and consider to be a close friend, yet they are so irritating that you are physically unable to utter the word friend without adding the prefix non-.

Friend: Wow your roommate sure is one of a you guys even get along?
You: ...well she is actually my best non-friend.

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A person that has not yet been elevated to friend status, either in real life or in facebook. A non-friend is usually met through mutual friends.

My friend Lally is dating a non-friend.

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