Definder - what does the word mean?

What is nastied?

1. A word used to describes someone's excellent ability at something or to describe something that is ridiculously good.

Garett is nasty at basketball and soccer.
Sherr makes a nasty omelette

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nastied - meme gif

nastied meme gif

nastied - video


Nastied - what is it?

Cleveland Brown From Family Guy

Cleveland ~ You touched me in a way that if Loretta touched me like that I'd say, That's nasty
Cleveland ~ I promised Loretta I would trim the bushes, then get tender with her.

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What does "nastied" mean?

Inspired to be created by that dick who screenshots everything...

Verb- when you are shown ss that go against your point of view/statement/argument. Basically means that you just got fuรงked

"I don't believe you"
"Fine I'll show ss then"
"Damn I just got nastyed"

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Nastied - what does it mean?

having sex


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Nastied - meaning

sexual intercourse; when a man gets horny and thusly he and his women strip and hump their pelvis's together till they yell with happiness; fucking

Leonard did the nasty last night with Molly.

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Nastied - definition


john and emily did the nasty!

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Nastied - slang

1. to describe something that is disgusting
2. to act dirty in a sexual way

1. The pile of shit on the floor was nasty.
2. Jessica acted nasty in the bedroom.

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1. To be to be mean, cruel or unkind.

2. To cause disgust or distaste.

3. To be of sexual suggestiveness or aptitude beyond the point of reproductive function.

4. an expression of approval or impressment with regard to a person's actions or ability.

5. an expression of approval or impressment with regard to a object's aesthetic or functional value

1. -"Hey, i'm not a poop-face! Don't be so nasty!"

-"Damn, that girl is nasty!"

2. -"Yuck, this dog shit sandwich is nasty!"

-"Damn, that girl is nasty!"

3. -"My goodness, that was some nasty sex we just had! Good job."

-"Damn, that girl is nasty!"

4. -"Shit dawg! them chess skills are mad nasty, yo!

-"Damn, that girl is nasty!"

5. - "Thanks dad! My new bike is nasty!

-"Damn, that girl is nasty!"

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A psydenoum for 69, can also be used for any sex act.

Karthick was on top during our nasty nasty.

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1) A person who a lil freaky and looks forward to freaky sex.
2) A person who refers themselves as a "non-virgin".
3) Sexual activity engaged in wierd places.

1) The boy Tonio down the street is a lil nasty nasty.
2) Stripton` a nasty nasty because he sent to me how he got laid last night by mistake.
3) Charlie and Tamicia were doing a lil nasty nasty in the corner of the pool.

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