Definder - what does the word mean?

What is mustard plug?

THE HOTTEST BAND THAT NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT ! the sexiest ska music ever!

Hey katie what song do u wanna have sex too?


👍139 👎57

mustard plug - video


Mustard plug - what is it?

A great, American ska band. Awesome music ^^

"We're gonna take on the woooorld, come on every boy, every girl!"
"This is your brain, this is your brain on ska"

👍173 👎67

What does "mustard plug" mean?

A small amount of solid poop holding back diarrhea like the small amount of hard mustard in the top of a mustard container.

I sat down on the toilet and the mustard plug pooped out then was followed by explosive diarrhea.

👍65 👎17

Mustard plug - what does it mean?

A small preliminary shit that, once expelled, gives way to a large volume of feces. It resembles and reminds one of the crust of dried mustard that forms on the cap of the bottle which must be voided before the main mass of the condiment can be squeezed out.

Jason: "How's your stomache ache, bro?"
Matt: "It's gone now. I had a thick mustard plug that was blocking a giant diarrhea bomb."
Jason: "Gross dude!"

👍183 👎17

Mustard plug - meaning

The act of tongueing the ass of a lover with diarrhea.

She admittedly ate Taco Bell before our date, and as it turned out, I gave her the ol' mustard plug the next morning.

👍55 👎87

Mustard plug - definition

when a man fucks a women with a yeast infection, and then sticks his meat in her ass...and then it burns

johnny gave that nasty ho with a yeast infection a mustard plug

👍47 👎49

Mustard plug - slang

The yellow, green or brown paste found on the end of ones penis after engaging in anal intercourse.

The sex was great last night, except I got a mustard plug.

👍89 👎107

Mustard plug

The dried bit of mustard that squirts out of the bottle first. (See also: "lotion booger.")

Dammit! I got a mustard plug on my hot dog!

👍73 👎45

Mustard plug

a totally kick ass ska band that no one has heard of. if you ask people if they listen to mustard plug, they look at you as if you had the word "dumbass" stamped on your forehead.

i love skanking to mustard plug!

👍113 👎65

Mustard plug

the BEST ska band EVER from my hometown GRAND RAPIDS,MI

have u ever heard mustard plugs song lolita?

👍99 👎45