Definder - what does the word mean?

What is loves Dick?

When a man has sex with someone and thinks he is in love. He falls in love with any person he puts his dick in.

Girl don’t fuck with him, he gets that love dick feeling.

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loves Dick - video


Loves Dick - what is it?

A gay relationship between two people named Richard.

(Dick is a shorter version of the name Richard)

Richard: hey babe
Other Richard: hey *kisses Richard*
Joe: I guess you could say there's dick-love between y'all

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What does "loves Dick" mean?

A man who records themselves having sex and then goes back and watches coz they love their own dick so much

You’d watch your own porn. Your such a self dick loving gay

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Loves Dick - what does it mean?

When you are enamored with someone, and then bang, and then are even more so.

"With such an incredible penis, it was easy to fall in dick love with Gabe."

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Loves Dick - meaning

Jack sucked my brothers cock last night

Jack loves dick so much

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Loves Dick - definition

A book written by someone who states they're a lesbian, but the title suggests otherwise.

I love dick, politically correct people have tried to ban it.

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Loves Dick - slang

Gay people feel this way.

Johnny said I love dick.

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Loves Dick

to want the penis badly

Wow Mike Weiss LOVES DICK!

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Loves Dick

Not just regular dicking down. The love dick. Dicking down of the kind invloving the feels. You will love this dick more than the norm dick.

Vic yells to brandon"I need love dick!"

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Loves Dick

When a man’s dick only gets hard for a person he loves or has caught the feels for despite sexual attraction.

Did you fuck Lexi, bruh? Nah, couldn’t get it up still got that love dick for Jessica.

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