Definder - what does the word mean?

What is long tings?

Apparantly what all Asians say when they talk in the library on their cellphones.

Made famous by a youtube video of a "polite, nice American girl" who lowered UCLA's standards by being able to get accepted there.

Ignorant UCLA Girl: "Hi, in America we do not talk on our cell phones in the library....Over here from somewhere, "Ooooh Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong, Ooohhhhh." .... I swear they're going through their whole families, just checking on everybody from the tsunami thing.....if you're gonna go call your address book like you might as well go outside."

"Ignorant person: "Isn't it annoying when you hear Asians talk in the library? It just all sounds like 'Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong' to me."

Normal person: "Shut the fuck up, man. You're hella ignorant."

Person #1: "Did you see that youtube video that UCLA chick posted ranting about Asians? According to her, all Asians say 'Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong' when they speak."

Person #2: "Yeah I did! That girl is so ignorant. She obviously doesn't go to UCLA."

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long tings - video


Long tings - what is it?

Apparantly what all Asians say when they talk in the library on their cellphones.

Made famous by a youtube video of a "polite, nice American girl" who lowered UCLA's standards by being able to get accepted there.

Hi, in America we do not talk on our cell phones in the library....Over here from somewhere, "Ooooh Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong, Ooohhhhh." .... I swear they're going through their whole families, just checking on everybody from the tsunami thing.....if you're gonna go call your address book like you might as well go outside.

Ignorant person: "Isn't it annoying when you hear Asians talk in the library? It just all sounds like 'Ching Chong Ling Long Ting Tong' to me."

Normal person: "What the fuck..."

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What does "long tings" mean?

Is a term used by english speakers to mock the chinese culture

You: What does a chinese man say

Person: What

You: Ching chong, ling long, ting tong

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Long tings - what does it mean?

"Asian" phrase which means "Checking on everybody on the tsunami thing"

originated from a video rant posted by Alexandra Wallace who attends UCLA.

She has a nice rack.



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Long tings - meaning

The state of something being potentially too long a process, outweighing the perceived achievement that might come with it

Warning: Do not utter such words as these in front of real gangsters, they will feel ridiculed at the mocking use of their language and may even weep

Billy: Hey Philip, do you want to catch a bus to heathrow to play on one of the arcade machines that they have out in the airport?

Philip: LONG TING GASH. and you're a dickhead as well for suggesting something like that, nah mate, I'm on a tenfold bash anyway. jus long ting gash

Billy: my bad

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Long tings - definition

It is a Englsih term for long ting, or thats long.

Boy1: "Yo were going down West fam."
Boy2: "Ahh you man are on some long ting tiraid."

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Long tings - slang

Sumthin Dat Takes A Long Tym To Do Or U Dont Relli Wanna Do

Boy: Wanna Go To Shop
Mate: Nah Man Dats A Long Ting

Boy: Wanna Help Me Babysit
Mate: Nah Datz A Long Ting Blud

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Long tings

An expression to imply that a given activity or event is tiresome or not worth one’s time.

Boss: You need to finish that report before you leave.
Employee: Ahh, 'low it man, dat's long tings bruv.

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Long tings

a situation that's tedious and stressfull

A)next man's fone's off
B)long ting

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Long tings

A phrase used to describe something that:

a) Takes a long time
b) Is tedious or stressful
c) Doesn't interest you

Originates from London.

Guy 1: Shall we walk to College?
Guy 2: Nah that's a long ting

Guy 1: I've got to do 17 pages of Coursework by tomorrow.
Guy 2: That's a long ting.

Girl 1: Shall we go to the Cinema? I want to see Snakes on a plane
Guy 1: Nah that's a long ting

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