Definder - what does the word mean?

What is litzi?

She is the one. She is a very beautiful girl who is worth having. She is short but so fucking beautiful. She might be a little insecure but she is worth it. Also is a really short girl who is shy at first but when she opens up to you there's no turning back. she is really goofy who likes to make everyone happy. Watch out though! Your homies will try to get at her. Protect her at any cost because it is hell losing her.

Ayo Jose is the Litzi?
Yeah, that's my girl!

👍53 👎17

litzi - meme gif

litzi meme gif

litzi - video


Litzi - what is it?

Litzy. What an odd name. Well, Litzy is a friendly person. She likes to hangout with friends and puts everyone as her #1 priority. Litzy is probably the most hated girl in school, but she doesn't care what other people have o say about her. She might not be perfect or pretty, but she perfect to other people. Litzy has a low self esteem, and DOES NOT like herself as a person. She acts normal and is always laughing at other people's jokes. Litzy only opens up to the people she trusts, and she only cries with them. Litzy isn't so good with relationships, but that doesn't bring her down. She still goes after the people she loves. Litzy is always heartbroken, and thinks she will never find happiness in life, unitl that special person comes in. Litzy is a great person, you just need to know her well. :)

Jenny is like Litzy, or even better.

👍123 👎31

What does "litzi" mean?

Litzi is a short girl who is very happy and goofy. Sometimes she can be very loud, but she always makes everybody laugh. Litzi is a very pretty girl who is normally very smart who gets distracted very easily. She is always wearing long nails of different colors. You'll always love Litzi.

-Lol where did you get that joke from
-from litzi

👍53 👎15

Litzi - what does it mean?


A girl that likes to play around and listen to you no matter what. She is the best friend someone could have.She likes to tell jokes and to trick people.

Litzi is the best friend any person could have!

👍165 👎33

Litzi - meaning

Litzi , well Litzi is a really short girl. shes Shy at first but when she opens up to you it's so different Litzi is a really goofy girl she makes everyone laugh , she also honest she will always give her opinion if your upset Litzi will always be there to cheer you up no matter what she might not be that pretty or have a perfect body but she a perfect friend and she will always be there for you when you need her

her name is litzi What's yours?

👍89 👎19

Litzi - definition

An amazing girl with brown eyes and brown hair smiles a lot, shes athletic always fit, she loves soccer, she a crazzy mexican girl she always heartbroken and wont find real love , shes has low esteem and hate fake people, dont mess with her friends and you'll be cool with her and shes the nices girl and also can be mean. but if you get to know her you'll like her a lot and mosly you would be good friends with her.

litzy: hey (with a slime)

me: o-o

👍363 👎47

Litzi - slang

Shes the most fucking attractive girl! Shes the most kindest girl in the world! She's an asshole but sweet. She will do what ever to put a smile on your face when your sad.she her self has on of the best smiles, if you ever see her smile you will smile to. It's the most beautiful smile you have ever seen. She will never let you slip away from her fingers if she truly loves you. Litzy is really love able, she's inpatient at times but she's a goof. She's the type of person that will put a smile in your face. Her smile makes everything ok. She makes you feel warmth, loved.Litzy will look deep into your eyes and tell you she loves you. She cares a lot about her friends, family. She makes you feel loved. She shows you the real meaning of love.She has a lot of guys all up on her but she stays true with one. People would die to go out with her.

There goes litzy! She's so cute! I wish I was her boyfriend.

👍2037 👎249


An amazing person who you'll never want to leave. She will always be by your side and will always make you laugh and smile. Her smile is the best thing you might ever witness in your life, and her voice is so angelic and beautiful. She is beautiful, she is wild at time, but she's an amazing individual. If you're lucky you'll get the chance to be with her. Trust me she's the best thing that will ever happen.

Me: Hey Litzy
Litzy: Hey *Smiles*
Me: 😍

👍277 👎31


Beautiful eyes, long eyelashes, amazing smile. Freak in the sheet, doesn't take shit from anyone. she is faithful, honest and can keep a relationship real. She's a keeper. If you date her, you're a lucky man.

I hate Litzy because she's adorable... I wish I could be her..

👍301 👎31


That girl with the flawless smile and dark brown eyes with pretty eyelashes? That's Litzy. She has a lethal tongue and will chew your ass up and spit you back out. She is awkward and it makes her more adorable. She doesn't have perfect weight , skin or height, but that's what makes her special. She is beyond beautiful. If you're sad, Litzy will be there to make your day and wipe your tears. She hates being judged is kinda moody but she's worth it.she's really sensitive yet so strong. She has low self esteem but she makes other people feel good themselves. She hates immature people , but she knows how to gave fun. She's usually shy, but once she opens up to you, you won't be able to stop laughing because of how funny she is. Litzy is fucking beautiful and lovely. She has a weird personality and she usually gets along with everyone.

Litzy made my day!

I wish Litzy liked me.

👍1807 👎181