Definder - what does the word mean?

What is laudi?

A girl who is from ft lauderdale, Florida.

She's laudy trash bro.

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laudi - meme gif

laudi meme gif

laudi - video


Laudi - what is it?

1. Lord Have Mercy. You know that you are wrong.

Laudy Baunty! Why are you digging up your nose

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What does "laudi" mean?

Fat laudy the act of traveling to the Southern part of Florida, specifically Fort Lauderdale and enjoying Florida from an 80+ standpoint. Thus, going to sleep at 10pm, going to the movies, not moving more than from your room to the beach, eating excessive amounts of food, and only drinking during happy hour.

β€œHey guys, do you wanna go to the club with us later?”
β€œNo sorry, we’re actually staying in Fat laudy, we can’t”

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Laudi - what does it mean?

A nickname for Ft. Lauderdale

Me: Yo, I went down to Ft. Laudy this week. It was mad fun.
Friend: Yeah, Ft. Lauderdale is pretty fun.

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Laudi - meaning

Those games people like to play.

I ain't with all that Laudy Daudy, so tell me how it is.

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Laudi - definition

Laudys is a person who is very funny also cute and has a big dick

can you come over here laudys

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Laudi - slang

Laudi is cuss word used for women or girls as penis

You are laudi

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a kid from fort lauderdale, florida who has β€œclout” and the mentality of needing to be popular; always wearing expensive clothes and has a nice car

just listen to laudy by kodak ???

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synonymous with hot. meaning very frigging attractive.

check out that laudy harlot.
translation.. that lady is very pretty

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A laudi is a EXTREMELY attractive and sexy girl . Everyone wants her and she is super caring and loving. Your heart melts when you see her smile and you want to be with her for the rest of your life. She can be super sassy but she wants to be excepted and loved. She is quirky but she’s cute. All her fashion is different and she is the most unique person you will ever meet. Usually Laudi’s have exotic looks with glowing brown skin and gorgeous eyes. Normally Laudi’s are short but feisty! Don’t let a Laudi go if you have one.

Girl 1-Oh my god who is that? she’s so sexy!
Girl 2- i think that must be a laudi
Guy 1- holy shit that is a Laudi

Guy 2- I wanna tap that ass

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